Page 303 of Lars

“Kind of shitty to put her in harm’s way like that.”

“She knows the risks, and I pay her very well. Speaking of shittily putting people in harm’s way, did your patsy know he was walking into the lion’s den?”

“No, but I figured you wouldn’t hurt him. And he was well-paid, too.”

“I’ll bet.” Rachel settled back in her chair. She was still on high alert, but she seemed satisfied I wasn’t going to try to kill her – at least right away.

At that moment, our waiter made the inopportune decision to come over.

“Good evening, and welcome to Dinner by Heston Blumenthal. Could I start you off with something to – ”

“We’re talking,” I said without looking away from Rachel’s face. “When we’re ready to order, I’ll let you know.”

“…oh… of course,” the waiter said. “Excuse me.”

And then he walked away.

“That was rude,” Rachel said mockingly.

“That was civil. You haven’t seen me be rude yet.”

“No, I’ve just seen you be shifty and duplicitous.” She smirked. “So, who made the appointment on your behalf… Herman?”

“Gunnar did.”

“Next time you talk to him, tell him I said he’s a real son of a bitch.”

I tsk tsked. “That’s not very nice.”

“Not very nice of him to set me up, either.”

“He’s your biggest supporter, actually. He made me promise that all I would do is talk to you.”

Rachel peered deep into my eyes. “Is that a promise you’re going to keep?”

“That all depends on you.”

She was silent for a second… then her shoulders slumped the tiniest bit as a note of sadness entered her voice. “I didn’t know you were going to be there. I had no idea you even worked for them until I saw you dive on top of Rosolini.”

I believed her.

Time to find out if I believed the rest.

“Who were you working for? Your pals over in Vauxhall?”

Vauxhall was the neighborhood where MI6’s building was located.

“No,” she said coldly.

“Are you still with them?”

“No,” she said, her voice even colder. “I’m not.”

I raised one eyebrow. “What happened?”

“We had a parting of the ways.”
