My blood froze in my veins.
“Can you do a search on Rachel Gra– ”
“Already on it.”
There was more clacking on the keyboard.
Then Gunnar said in a hushed tone, “There aren’t any records for a Rachel Grantham or Rachel Abbandando, but there’s a company called RFG Holding 7 Ltd. I figure RFG is for Rachel Francesca Grantham. It’s basically a shell corporation, but it lists Camilla Grantham as a contact. The company is also the holder of a house at 19 Coates Avenue in London.”
“Could it be the mother’s house?”
“I don’t think so – she’s listed at another address.” More clacking. “Dude… according to Google Maps, Coates Avenue is only four miles from MI – uh, from Rachel’s, uh, work headquarters.”
That was it.
It had to be.
After three and a half years of looking, I finally knew where she was.
“There’s a phone number for Camilla Grantham – do you want it?”
“…yeah… I don’t know if I’ll use it, but just in case.”
He gave me the number and I wrote it down on a piece of paper.
“And Coates is spelled C-O-A-T-E-S. 19 Coates Avenue.”
“Thanks, Gunnar,” I murmured.
“Dude, I’m SO sorry I couldn’t find this before…”
“It’s okay. You had no idea – Rachel’s name isn’t on it, and we had no idea what her mother’s name was.”
“Still, I feel like I should have been able to – ”
“It doesn’t matter. It’s all in the past. It’s going to be okay now.”
“Lars… do you want me to contact her first, bro?” he asked hesitantly. “You know… just in case? Get her, uh, prepared for it?”
“No… no, I want to see her. I want to explain it myself.”
“Thanks, Gunnar. I mean it. For everything. For paying for the lawyer… for searching for Rachel all this time… for always being there for me.”
“I’m just sorry I couldn’t have done more.”
“You did a huge amount. More than I can ever repay.”
“Will you come see me once you get out?!” he asked excitedly. “Or I could come see you in London!”
“Absolutely – just – let me talk to her first.”
“Sure, sure – I can’t wait to see you, bro!”
“Same here, man. Same here.”