Page 91 of Massimo

But I wasn’t about to go down – ha ha – without a fight.

“Did you think of me when you came?” I asked in my best Come fuck me voice.


He refused to look at me. He probably thought that concealed his obvious lie.

“But you did come, right?” I teased him. “I mean, I don’t see the Rock-Hard Tower of Pisa in your shorts anymore, so…”

What I did see was the Matterhorn of asses, though, under his black boxers.


“The shower’s available,” he said, still refusing to look at me.

“Is the water still freezing?”

“More or less.”

“Then no thanks. Besides, you probably got cum all over the place.” I made a face “Ewwwwww, gross.”

Actually, it didn’t gross me out at all.

I really, really wish I’d been there to see it.

In fact… I really wish he’d come all over me.

I imagined him spurting on my stomach… or…

“You could’ve just come on my tits.” I sauntered towards him, doing my best Come fuck me walk. “I would’ve let you. Or you could come on my ass…. which would you prefer?”

I put a hand on his arm.

His massive, incredibly huge arm that was bigger around than my head.

He tensed a little as I touched him.


Despite the cold water from the shower, his skin was so warm…

And still slightly damp…

Like we’d fucked, and he was glistening with –

And then the smell hit me.

Sharp fumes that stabbed at my nostrils.

“What the fuck is that smell?!” I asked, immediately clamping a hand over my nose.

“Mothballs,” he said.

“Fuck, that’s horrible!” I cried out as I backed away.

From the smug smirk on his face, he was obviously enjoying my reaction.

“Don’t use too many mothballs in your fancy palazzo, huh?” he asked –