Then I closed the window I’d opened and headed for the bedroom.
I was pissed.
Not because the house was a shithole, although it was.
…kind of.
It looked horrible from the outside, yes – but to be honest, it was kind of cute on the inside. I’d seen places like it in movies my entire life and had secretly wanted to stay in one since I was a little kid.
Which was not really an option when you grew up as a mafiosa’s granddaughter and lived in a 700-year-old palazzo in Venice.
Once I saw how clean and nice it was on the inside, I was actually kind of excited. I felt like I was a little kid again and got to stay the night in a treehouse from a movie.
I wasn’t about to let him know that, though.
No, I was pissed because he was being a bossy asshole –
Just like every other dumbass mafia thug who worked for my grandmother.
It was gonna be his way or the highway.
STAND that.
He didn’t ever ask me once what I wanted.
He was running the show, and that was THAT. He decided everything.
And to be really honest…
If there was one thing I was still super pissed off about, it was that he’d spanked me back at the university.
I was still angry.
He hadn’t apologized, that was for sure.
Yes, okay, he’d saved me from being kidnapped –
But he’d also humiliated me in front of dozens – if not hundreds – of people.
And his attitude!
Like I owed him an infinite number of blowjobs for what he did –
When we both knew he only did it to suck up to my grandmother.
I was a job for him. That was it.
If I wasn’t Nona’s granddaughter and he wasn’t getting something out of it, he would have left me back at Ca’ Foscari to die, and that was the truth.
He’d get what he wanted from Nona when this was all over – whether that was money, a business deal, or whatever mafia bullshit he had in mind.