Page 61 of Massimo

“The man I shot was trying to kill my family,” I snarled.


I noticed she got quiet after that.

We drove without speaking for several minutes. Then she asked, “What do you watch, anyway?”

“I told you, I don’t have time to watch things on – on Netflix.”

I caught myself before I said ‘TV,’ since that would only get me another eye-roll – and every time she rolled her eyes, I wanted to strangle her.

“I bet you watch football,” she said scornfully.

She meant what Americans call soccer.

“Well, yeah – when Fiorentina or Juventus is playing,” I said, naming two of my favorite teams.

“So you DO have time to watch shit on television!”

“Only once in a while!” I snapped. “And I haven’t watched anything in six months.”

I didn’t mention that six months ago was when my father died, and my brothers and I had to take over the family business.

There hadn’t been time for anything other than that.

“What was the last thing you watched, then?” she challenged me. “And NOT football.”

I had to think about that one.

“I bet it was something about the mafia, wasn’t it,” she said with a knowing grin, like she had me all figured out.

“No – ”

“Okay, maybe not the Cosa Nostra, but some other gangsters, then. ‘Peaky Blinders’?”


“Oh, yeah, you’re a grandpa – you don’t even know what Netflix is.”

“I know what Netflix i– ”

“The Godfather?”

“I haven’t seen The Godfather in years.”


“Pacino’s great in that,” I pointed out.

“Yeah, he was,” she agreed off-handedly, like she couldn’t argue. Then she snapped her fingers. “I know – ‘The Sopranos.’”

I didn’t answer, but my face must have given me away, because she laughed in delight.

“HA! It was ‘The Sopranos,’ wasn’t it?! That show is older than shit, dude. You really ARE a fuckin’ Boomer.”

I noticed, though, that the entire time she was mocking me…

She never changed the channel on the radio.