Page 5 of Massimo

“Never start a land war in Asia, and never cross a Sicilian in matters of death,” Valentino said.

Dario frowned. “What’s that from? It sounds familiar.”

“The Princess Bride. It’s a movie.”

“Damn good advice.”

“So we go after the biggest problem first?” I asked.

“No – we should go after the easiest one first,” Niccolo said. “And the biggest fish to boot. The family with the most money – and the one that stands to lose the most financially if everyone goes to war.”

“Venice,” Dario said.

“Exactly. And whoever goes there should leave as soon as possible.”

“Who do we send?” I asked.

“I’ll go,” Roberto suggested. “I speak their language – money.”

“Mm,” Niccolo said hesitantly. “No, the Venetians like their money… but it’s not Signora Fioretti’s biggest priority. I might agree with you if it were anyone else – but she’s a different beast altogether.”

Adriano shook his head. “She’s an old bitch, is what she is.”

I smirked. “There you go again, proving why you shouldn’t go to Venice.”

“FUCK you,” Adriano snapped.

“The Widow’s lost almost everyone in her family,” I pointed out. “Her husband, her son, her daughter-in-law – and she’s still kept an iron grip on her territory for the last 20 years. She’s not a bitch, she’s a formidable woman – and a hell of a mafiosa. She deserves our respect.”

“Well said, Massimo,” Alessandra chimed in approvingly.

“Yeah,” Bianca said as she gave Adriano some serious side-eye.

“Thanks, Massimo,” Adriano grumbled. “Turning my own bride against me.”

I snorted. “I think you did that all by yourself.”

Niccolo smiled at me. “And I think we’ve found our ambassador to Venice.”

My eyes bugged out as I realized what he meant.

“Who – me? No – no, no, no, no – ”

“The man with the muscle and the empathy?” Niccolo said. “Perfect choice.”

“I concur,” Dario said.

“You can leave tomorrow morning on the private jet. Get into Venice around noon, see her around 2, and be back in time for dinner.” Niccolo gave me a sly smile. “Unless you’re invited to stay, that is.”

Adriano laughed and slapped me on the shoulder. “Have fun with the Widow, stronzo.”


I should learn when to keep my mouth shut.


And that was how I found myself standing before la Vedova – the Widow.