Page 58 of Massimo

“They’re becoming surprisingly more and more common.”

Her expression darkened. “Did he want you to turn me over?”

“Of course.”

“And what did he offer in exchange?”

“A box of chocolates and a pony.”

She snorted in amusement. “And what did you say?”

“I don’t give a shit about ponies.”

“What if he doubled up on the chocolate?”

“He’d have to triple up at the very least.”

“Good to know.”

The phone rang. It was Aurelio again.

Before I could do anything, Lucia grabbed the phone.

I tried to control my panic.

If Aurelio told her his threats against the Widow –

“Hey, is this Aurelio?” she asked cheerfully.

He gave some sort of answer I couldn’t hear.

“And you’re behind all this shit?”

Another answer.

“Good, nice to meet you,” she replied. “Now suck my dick.”

And she hung up.

Relief washed through me – not to mention amusement.

It was nice hearing her potty mouth aimed at somebody besides me for once.

I particularly enjoyed imagining the confusion and rage on my cousin’s face right about now.

“We should probably download the GPS coordinates to wherever we’re going and put the phone on Airplane mode,” Lucia suggested. “Just in case he has some way of tracking us.”

I thought about calling Niccolo and letting him know about Aurelio’s threats –

But it wouldn’t really change anything.

Fausto possibly being out of the loop was interesting –

But it was an assumption on my part, nothing more. I could tell Niccolo about my theories later. He had enough to deal with at the moment.

“Sounds good,” I said. “Can you download it for me?”

“Okay,” she said.