Page 55 of Massimo

I had to get us both to safety, which meant I needed to ignore her bitchy little comments and princess-like behavior.

I reminded myself that as annoying as she was, she couldn’t touch Adriano for sheer assholery.

You’re a Zen fuckin’ master.

Remember that.

I propped my phone up in the ashtray so I could see Google Maps. Luckily, there was only change inside the tray and no cigarette butts.

Thank God for small favors.

I had to be vigilant about my phone battery, which was at about a 60% charge. I could get a charging cord somewhere along the way, maybe when we stopped for gas – but for now, it was more important to put some distance between us and Venice.

The car had half a tank of gas. Enough to get us 40 or 50 miles down the road, at the very least.

I took a bypass road away from the town.

“Aren’t you going to go back and get the gun?” Lucia asked.

I shook my head. “I don’t want to take a chance that the guy who owns this car is in town and might spot us. The last thing I need is for him to call a cop over, and then the cop asks me what’s in the tarp I’m carrying back from the boat.”

Lucia smiled smugly. “Pussy. Grow a pair.”

I clenched my jaw but let it pass.

Zen fuckin’ master… Zen fuckin’ master…

I hated leaving the assault rifle behind – it would come in handy if the mercenaries tracked us down – but the risk of retrieving it was too big.

Besides, I’d have other weapons at my disposal.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

After her ‘pussy’ crack, I thought about telling her to go fuck herself –

But that wouldn’t have been very ‘Zen master’ of me.

“The mountains north of here.”

“Really,” she said – and I noted the complete absence of sarcasm in her voice.

She almost sounded excited.

“You’ve seen mountains before, right?” I asked.

She shot me a look. “Old lady who doesn’t like the sun and thought we’d get killed if we left Venice – remember?”

“Oh, yeah.” I tried to be compassionate. “Sounds lonely.”

“No shit, Sherlock,” she muttered as she stared out the window.

I gritted my teeth.

Zen fuckin’ master –

You’re a Zen fuckin’ master –

My phone buzzed from its place in the ashtray.