Page 49 of Massimo

“Don’t tell me – I don’t want to know,” she interrupted. “The walls have ears.”

Smart. If there were multiple traitors in her organization, one might have bugged the phones.

“The shootout at Ca’ Foscari is all over the television,” she continued. “I was afraid that…”

She trailed off. There was no need to finish the sentence.

“We’re fine,” I reassured her. “Lucia’s not hurt. Now we just need to figure out how I can get her back to you safely.”

“I fear I need to ask you a favor, Signor Rosolini.”


“I want you to take Lucia to your family’s estate. We can see boats patrolling the water outside our palazzo. I believe it’s more mercenaries, which means there’s no way to get Lucia back here safely. And even if you COULD return her, I might have more traitors. I can’t risk her safety until I’ve rooted out any moles.”

“There’s a problem, Signora.”

“Which is?”

“My own family was attacked 30 minutes ago by a sniper. No one was hurt, but they haven’t caught the gunman yet. And Fausto’s mercenaries also blew up my plane.”

“My, your uncle’s a busy man,” she said drily.

“That he is. The upshot is, I’m not going home anytime soon… and it wouldn’t be safe for Lucia even if I could take her.”

“But you’ll have to go SOMEWHERE, yes? Don’t tell me where – but you WILL go somewhere until you can rejoin your family, won’t you?”


“Wherever you go, will you take her with you and keep her safe?”

The prospect of being this little brat’s bodyguard was not appealing – at ALL –

But I knew I had to secure the Widow’s cooperation if my family was to have any chance of withstanding the coming war with Fausto and the rest of the Five Families.

“Yes, of course,” I replied.

“Thank you.” The Widow sounded relieved. “Put me on speakerphone so Lucia can hear me.”

I complied.


“Hi, Nona. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, my dear. Are YOU alright?”

“Other than being shot at by assholes and getting my ass spanked by the giant prick you sent after me, I’m fine.”

My eyes bugged out as soon as she said ‘spanked.’

I bared my teeth at her in a snarl and shook my head violently.

Lucia just snickered –

Especially when the Widow asked in a confused voice, “I’m sorry – I don’t think I heard you correctly – did you say – ”

“Oh!” Lucia exclaimed. “AND he threw my fuckin’ phone in the water!”