“I think I’ve got a bead on the sniper,” he spoke through the earpiece. “Does he wear some kind of hat, by any chance?”
“That’s him. What about Lucia?” I asked, my heart thudding fearfully in my chest.
“I see a girl’s head. I think she’s sitting in a chair. She’s got a black eye, but otherwise she seems okay.”
My blood boiled to hear that my cousin – or Zollner, or someone – had laid hands on her. “What about Aurelio?”
“He’s hiding inside the bell tower, so I can’t get a clear shot. And I only have one. Once I take it, they’ll hunker down and I won’t get another.”
“Alright… go after Zollner.”
“He’s lying on his stomach on the balcony. Because of the angle, I can’t see his body. I can see a bit of the hat, but just the top of it. Whenever he moves the gun to aim at a new target, he brings his head up slightly – so I need somebody to force him to move the gun.”
“So… somebody needs to go running out into the courtyard, is what you’re saying,” Adriano said.
“Pretty much.”
“I’ll go,” I said. “I’ve got the bulletproof shield.”
“How many times has he fired at you since you got off the boat?” Lars asked.
“Just once.”
“Then that’s no good. He knows he can’t penetrate your shield, so he’ll ignore you – and you’ll just end up fighting 20 mercenaries.”
“There are 20 mercenaries?!”
“Two or 20, it doesn’t matter – you’re not going to draw Zollner’s fire.”
I looked back at my sole remaining foot soldier.
I hated to send him out into what was quite possibly a suicide mission, but –
“Guess it’s me, then,” Adriano said.
“What?!” I cried out.
“You want the top job, you take the risks,” he said as he looked me in the eyes. “Get ready, Lars – I only wanna do this once.”
“NO – ” I shouted.
“What’s going on?” Aurelio demanded from where he stood beside me. Once the gunfire had started getting closer, he’d retreated inside the bell tower like a coward.
“Our friends have gathered at the courtyard, just as we expected,” Zollner said with a chuckle.
“Massimo?” Aurelio asked.
My heart skipped a beat when the bastard said his name.
“He’s there, but he still has that verdammt shield of his.”
“What about Adriano?”
“I believe the other brother is… yes, he poked his head out for a peek, now he’s gone again. I believe he is going to make a run for it.” Zollner chuckled. “Seven for seven, coming up.”