The good thing was that the wall would protect us from the sniper.
The bad thing was that Lars said this would be a perfect place for the mercenaries to show up.
He was right.
A man in black stepped into view 50 feet ahead of us and opened fire with his assault rifle.
My men dove behind trees lining the walkway while I crouched down behind my shield. The bullets went ping ping ping across the metal.
I don’t think the mercenary knew I had the car door when he stepped out to fire at us – and I don’t think he knew what it was, so he was confused.
A second later, he was dead.
I held out my Glock to the right side of the door and fired.
The mercenary jerked and went down.
“Got one,” I said as I stood up and started walking again.
“We keepin’ score?” Adriano joked.
“No, just celebrating the small wins.”
As I passed by the mercenary, I shot him in the head to make sure he stayed down.
Then I turned right down the pathway he’d emerged from. My men followed close behind me.
In the distance, I heard gunfire.
Blam! Blam! Blam!
“Engaging,” Adriano said in a hushed voice over the earpiece.
The shot echoed through the cemetery –
“Shit,” Adriano hissed. “He got Luca.”
“Three for three,” Zollner said.
Clack-clack –
Sweat was dripping down my face.
Please God, I prayed.
Please let Massimo be okay –