Page 212 of Massimo

“I have the keys, Herr Rosolini,” Zollner shouted. “Even if you could start the engine, the Fräulein and I are already deep within the trees. There’s no way you can reach us.”

The car’s engine roared to life.

He DID hotwire it!

Zollner sighed in exasperation. “I told you, the trees are too crowded here – you can’t possibly expect to come get us!”

Massimo gunned the Range Rover’s engine.

Its tires spun in the mud – and then it got traction.

It turned hard right across the muddy road, its two flat tires going flap flap flap.

Once it was pointed directly at us, its headlights came on in a blinding burst of light –

Pointed right at us.

“Oh… well, that’s inconvenient…” Zollner grumbled as he continued dragging me towards the river.



I steered the Range Rover towards Zollner and Lucia.

Zollner was right: there was no way I could get the Range Rover through those trees – But I could see what the hell he was doing.

I flicked on the headlights –

There he was, up ahead, about 60 feet into the forest.

He was dragging Lucia along behind him, using her as a human shield –

And he had a gun to her head, just as he’d claimed.

My blood boiled.

I wished I had Lars’s talent with a rifle so I could shoot Zollner between the eyes.

But I wasn’t as good as Lars – so whatever happened, it was going to happen at close range.

I have to say, Zollner’s appearance surprised me.

He was fairly short. I knew he was squatting down to keep behind Lucia, but he didn’t appear much taller than 5’5”.

He wore a brown hunting jacket, brown pants, and a dark green Swiss alpine hat with a ridiculous little feather stuck in the band.

His face was clean-shaven. More than that, I couldn’t make out.

I got out of the Range Rover, ran across the muddy road, and darted behind a tree. Right now, Zollner couldn’t see me – he was probably blinded by the headlights. But as soon as I got in front of the headlights, I would turn into a silhouette… and a target. So it was imperative I use the trees as cover.

The river raged nearby, triple its usual size with all the rain from the last six days.

“Don’t follow me, Herr Rosolini,” Zollner called out through the forest. “I can guarantee it won’t end well for you.”

“Thanks, I’ll take it under consideration,” I shouted as I darted from tree to tree.

“This really is the final time I’ll warn you. After this, the consequences will be on your head.”