Page 1 of Massimo



I grew up in a mafia family.

The Fiorettis have ruled Venice for generations. Every smuggled kilo of cocaine… every shipping container that went ‘mysteriously’ missing from the docks… every euro paid in extortion…

My family got a cut.

Venice itself has always been wealthy. Back in the Middle Ages, it was one of the richest cities in the entire world.

Over the years, things got a lot worse for Venice – but not for my family. At least not as far as money was concerned.

I was born into the lap of luxury. Armani, Fendi, Balenciaga, Versace, Dolce and Gabbana, Ferrari… those were names I grew up around from the time I learned to talk.

You see, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

It was solid gold and studded with diamonds.

But there was a price.

There’s always a price.



I grew up in a mafia family.

My grandfather came over from Sicily half a century ago to stake his claim in the countryside outside Florence, Italy. He established a small kingdom within the Cosa Nostra. After my grandfather’s death, my father turned that kingdom into an empire.

I was the fifth of six brothers, so I knew I would never head up the family. That honor belonged to my oldest brother Dario, who deserved it. He was a born leader – and he sacrificed the most out of all of us. He took the fall for the family on a corruption charge and went to prison for four long years.

When our father died – murdered, we later found out – Dario was the one we all voted to lead us.

So I knew from an early age that I would never be at the top…

But I always knew I would be of service.

I was trained from the time I could walk to be a fighter for the family.

Though the second youngest, I was by far the biggest of my brothers – 6’7” and 270 pounds. Papa used to joke that a strain of giant blood must run in our family.

But I didn’t want to fight.

I wanted peace…

But that’s in short supply when you grow up in the Cosa Nostra.

At only 26, I had seen assassinations… car bombings… over two dozen gunfights…

And yet, I hadn’t experienced anything like the insanity of the last couple of months.

A raid on our home by a gangster named the Turk…

Dario almost killed by an old woman seeking revenge…

A Sicilian gangster who wiped out a rival family and tried to kill us, as well…