Page 194 of Massimo

“Man…” she grumbled playfully, then took my hand as we walked off together in the rain.


The first thing we did was go back to the clothing store and get an entirely new outfit for Lucia.

The ecstasy on her face when she walked out of the dressing room in a new set of clean, dry clothes?

It was an expression I normally only saw when she was having an orgasm.

“OH MY GOD, THIS FEELS SO GOOD,” she moaned theatrically.

They didn’t have jeans or flannels in my size, but I was able to get a new XXL t-shirt, underwear, and a rainproof parka. After weeks of wearing the same clothes, it felt absolutely luxurious.

Not only that, I bought two of everything – so we could change into something dry when we reached our destination for the night.

“And umbrellas… please, let’s get some umbrellas,” Lucia begged.

I laughed and grabbed a couple of extendable folding umbrellas, too.

We left the shop holding the umbrellas over our heads – but still holding hands.

“Can we eat lunch in a restaurant?” she asked.

“No, I still want to get out of town as soon as possible. But we can buy anything you want at the grocery store.”


We got a 70-euro bottle of champagne at the grocery store – the most expensive one they had – plus tins of smoked oysters and lobster claws, and even locally-made tiramisu in a plastic take-out container.

When we found the tiramisu in the cold case, Lucia also saw tubs of gelato – Italian ice cream.

“Can we?” she asked in excitement.

“They’ll melt before we get back.”

“Let’s eat them now!”

“Isn’t it a little cold for gelato?”

“I don’t care!”

I paid the grocer for two containers. Then we got some plastic spoons and proceeded to have an orgy of Italian ice cream. She got amaretto and I got banana.

“Sooooo goooooood,” Lucia groaned as she put a spoonful in her mouth.

After weeks of tuna fish and canned beans, the gelato was the best ice cream I’d ever tasted.

As we ate, we talked.

“So what’s the plan for tomorrow?” she asked.

“Lars is going to drive here with some of our guys and take us back. He’s still out of town, or he’d come today.”

After all the stories I’d told her over the last three weeks, Lucia knew exactly who I was talking about – and her eyes grew wide. “If they’re waiting to send Lars specifically… that sounds serious.”

“Niccolo doesn’t want to take any chances.”

“What happens when…”