Page 188 of Massimo


With all my heart.

He kissed me back just as passionately.

When our lips finally parted, he whispered, “What was that for?”

“For being you,” I whispered.

I wiped the tears from my eyes – and he helped, brushing them away with his thumb.

“You okay?” he asked.

Dumbass me – I should have just told him what I was feeling.

I love you. I LOVE you. I LOVE YOU.

That’s what I wanted to do –

But I was afraid.

Afraid he wouldn’t say it back.

So I took the easy way out…

And said the one thing it was easy for me to say:

“I need to fuck you right now.”

He laughed, totally surprised – but to his credit, he rolled with it. “Well, I’m not gonna say ‘no’ to that.”

I straddled him and kissed him desperately, never wanting to let him go…

And as soon as I felt his cock grow stiff enough, I reached down and put it inside me.

And I rocked my hips as I kissed him over and over.

This time, though, I didn’t focus on me and my orgasm –

I wanted to do something for him.

“What can I do to make it hotter for you?” I whispered as I rode him.

“I don’t think you can,” he murmured.


I knew what he liked…

So I reached down, grabbed his hands, and placed them on my ass.

Then I leaned down and whispered in his ear, “I hate you.”

Of course, what I really meant was, I LOVE you.

Maybe that’s the only way I could say ‘I love you’ – with the opposite.

I don’t know.