Page 186 of Massimo

Until I almost blew it again with another loaded question.

We were lying in bed one night after another round of multiple orgasms, and I was tracing my fingers across his skin.

I noticed he had a couple of round scars on his body.

“Is this a bullet wound?” I asked as I pointed at one on his abdomen.


“You have two of them?”

“Three, actually. Occupational hazard.”

“Did you get them all at the same time?”

“No.” He pointed them out one by one. “That was from a shootout when I was 20… that happened a couple of years ago when a rival family went after me and my brothers… and that was from protecting Alessandra in Florence.”

The final one was a line of scar tissue on his arm like someone had cut him with a particularly nasty blade.

“You protected her? How?”

“Actually, she protected me – I just didn’t know it at the time. Remember the Turk? He had some of his guys try to kidnap Alessandra in Florence. I hustled her over to our car, but the only reason they didn’t kill me was because they were trying to avoid shooting her.”

“Well, you still protected her,” I protested.

“That’s my job,” he said nonchalantly.

“You mean, in your family? You’re, like, a bodyguard?”

“No – that’s my job as a man.”

I got up on one elbow so I could look at him. “What do you mean, ‘that’s your job as a man’?”

“Men are supposed to be the protectors.” He smiled and caressed my cheek with his hand. “Although… sometimes… they’re the ones who get protected.”

I knew he was talking about what had happened in the barn.

I kissed his hand and smiled…

But I still wanted to know what he was talking about.

“Okay, so – you’re supposed to protect all women?”

“Well… I mean, if I can, I guess. But I was specifically talking about family.”

“Like your sister-in-law,” I said.

“Yes. Although she wasn’t my sister-in-law at the time.”

I know it was completely irrational –

I mean, the chick had married his brother and was now his sister –

But I got hit with a bolt of jealousy.

I don’t know why, exactly…

Although maybe it was just the thought that he would do that for any other woman besides me.