Page 171 of Massimo

I pulled my brandy-soaked finger away from her lips.

She looked up into my eyes –

And her face crumpled into an expression of grief so deep and so painful it pierced my heart like a spear.

“Th-they’re dead,” she whispered, and burst into tears.



I’m six years old.

I’m sitting in the back seat of the car that Daddy got from the airport.

I’d never been on a plane before – I’ve never even been in a car before! We live in Venice and don’t have cars, just boats.

I’m sitting with a seatbelt over my lap. My stuffed bunny rabbit is in my arms.

Daddy is driving, and Mommy is sitting in the passenger seat next to him.

Daddy’s driving with his left hand, but his right hand is holding Mommy’s. I can see them holding hands through the gap between the front seats.

They’re so happy. I’ve never seen them so happy before, and it makes me happy.

Mommy and Daddy are talking. Every so often, one of them looks back through the seats at me. They smile and ask if I’m okay. I nod and tell them yes.

The world outside is flying by so fast – so much faster than in a boat!

This is the first time I’ve ever been outside of Venice. I don’t remember the name of where we are or where we’re going, but it’s sunny outside and it’s a beautiful day.

And then everything changes.

Daddy slows down for a stop sign… then he speeds up –

And there’s a horrible sound, a CRUNCH loud as thunder, followed by the sound of breaking glass.

It feels like someone’s pushed me hard, and I whip back and forth in my seat as the car skids sideways.

The car comes to a halt, and there’s the loud blare of a horn.

Mommy and Daddy are both in the front seat. Airbags like big white balloons have gone off in front of them.

Daddy looks around at me. There’s blood trickling down his face. He looks frightened. “Lucia, are you alright?”

Mommy turns around to look at me, too. She has blood coming out of her nose. “Lucia – ”

Then there is a scary sound like an angry hornet, the loudest insect in the world –

And a motorcycle pulls up right next to Daddy’s window.

The man riding it is dressed all in black, and he wears a black helmet with a dark mirror where his eyes should be.

I can see him clearly because all the glass in Daddy’s window is gone.

The motorcycle man raises a pistol and fires.

The sound is even more terrible than the car crash, and it happens over and over and over.