Page 71 of Massimo

Getting him to flip the fuck out.

He loved pretending he was so calm, and so reasonable, and such a manly man!


All it took was me punching his buttons over and over and over and over –

And he fucking lost it.


It had taken everything I had not to burst into a grin when he nearly started shouting in the restaurant.

I didn’t want to give it away that this was all a game to me…

Just a way to get back at him.

Plus, I knew from being around my grandmother’s henchmen my entire life how far you could push a guy before he’d go apeshit.

You gotta go right up to the line…

And then back off.

Then, next time, you can go even further…

But then you gotta back off again.

It was a process.

You kept moving the line half an inch every time…

And eventually, you’d drive them absolutely bugfuck insane.

So I let Massimo have his way for a while.

Let him think he’d won.

…and then I would start annoying the hell out of him again.

Some of my reactions were genuine, though.

I was actually pretty shocked when we drove up to the cabin.

I did not want to stay here (at least until I saw the inside). That part had been real.

I guess he’d gotten me to flip out, now that I thought about it…

Which pissed me off, too.

So I wasn’t about to let him know that I was actually okay with the place.

That’s the headspace I was in when I finished up in the bathroom, walked out…

And suddenly shit got real.


I’d already planned the next thing I was going to complain about.