Page 64 of Massimo

“We’ll eat canned food until we run out,” I said calmly.

She sniffed haughtily. “I don’t want to be eating crap for three days.”

“It might be longer than three days.”

“WHAT?!” she shouted. “How long?!”

“I don’t know, but you should prepare yourself for – ”

“If it’s gonna be longer than three days, then I definitely want to eat in a real fucking restaurant!”

“Lucia – ”

“You can’t just take me out into the middle of nowhere and – ”

“I’m trying to keep you safe.”

“I don’t CARE! I’d rather DIE than eat nothing but fuckin’ beans out of a can, especially when there’s plenty of good restaurants along the – ”


She just smirked. “…yes.”

* * *

She was not satisfied.

It was getting dark when we stopped at a small restaurant nestled in the foothills of the mountains.

I thought the place was rustic but charming, with walls made of rock and exposed wooden beams in the ceiling.

Lucia did not agree.

“Oh God, I’m in a backwoods serial killer movie,” she murmured as she looked around us.

Only a few locals were in the place, and they glanced at us every few minutes.

“God, what are they wearing?” Lucia sneered about their plaid shirts and simple dresses.

“Clothes,” I said coldly.

“Why are they looking at us?”

“Because a tall guy in a suit and a woman in designer clothes stand out,” I said coldly. “Just like I said earlier in the car.”

When the next local glanced at us, Lucia stared back at him openly, her eyes wide as ping pong balls.

The man turned away quickly and didn’t look at her again.

The wine list was not to Lucia’s liking, either. The selection was what you would expect for a tiny mom-and-pop’s in the middle of nowhere.

The by-the-glass prices raised her hackles in particular.

“What is this, boxed wine?” she complained as she looked at the list.

“Don’t be a snob,” I said.

“Yeah, you would say that,” she muttered. “You probably drink it by the box-full.”