Page 42 of Massimo

And plopped down in the seat next to Massimo.

“The fastest way is to turn around and go down the canal next to the university!” I yelled.

It was still hard to be heard over the wind, but it was a hell of a lot easier now that I was two feet away from him.

“Not happening!” he yelled as he concentrated on avoiding the other boats. “The shooter was coming out as we left!”

So that’s why he took off like a bat out of hell…

“Alright, then – see that smaller canal coming up on the right? If you take that, you’ll – ”

“No smaller canals!” he shouted. “We have to go as fast as possible, and we can’t get boxed in!”

I rolled my eyes.

If you’re not going to take my advice, then why did you fucking ask for it?

“The Grand Canal eventually dumps out into the Giudecca Canal. Keep going to the left and hug the coastline, and you’ll circle around the island.”


The Grand Canal cuts through the center of Venice in a giant ‘S’ shape. It’s only about 225 feet at its widest.

The Giudecca Canal, on the other hand, is huge – about 1200 feet wide. It’s not even a canal, really – more like a waterway between Giudecca Island and the city of Venice.

We were going so fast that we reached it in less than a minute.

Massimo hung a left and started towards the southeastern tip of Venice –

When I looked behind us and saw a scary sight.

Another speedboat was approaching at top speed –

And it wasn’t a police cruiser.

“Somebody’s chasing us!” I yelled.

Massimo looked over his shoulder, cursed, and asked, “Do you know how to drive a boat?”

“I live in Venice. YES, I know how to drive a boat, you fucking chauvinist pig,” I shouted over the wind.

“I didn’t know mafia princesses drove themselves around,” he yelled back.

I think he was trying to sneer as he said it, but it kinda lost its effect when he had to shout at the top of his lungs to be heard.

“They do when they sneak out all the fuckin’ time!”

“Take the wheel and switch with me.”

“What are you gonna do?!”

“Deal with our friends,” he shouted.

I grabbed the wheel to keep it steady, waited until he moved past me, then dropped my purse on the passenger side and scooted over into the driver’s seat.

I was freaked out, yeah –

But it was a fuckin’ rush, too. I’d never driven anything this fast before.