Page 238 of Massimo

The plan was to storm the island and converge on the church in the north. Hopefully, we could split up Aurelio’s forces along the way and take them out in guerilla-style combat.

That was the plan, anyway.

Things didn’t go exactly to plan.

As our boat approached the eastern pier, I got ready.

First I slipped my left arm through the duct tape sleeve on the door. My improvised shield was heavy, but I was so pumped with adrenaline that I barely noticed.

Then I arranged everything else.

I held a Glock in my right hand. My left hand gripped three separate magazines for quick reloading. Another four magazines were stuck to the duct tape wrapped around my left arm, and my pockets were filled with more clips. A holster on my hip held another Glock just in case my main gun jammed.

I was ready.

It was too bad we couldn’t use the grenade launcher Lars had used to blow up the boat. We could have used it to target the church – but we couldn’t risk hurting Lucia.

So we’d have to go in and clear the place out, one by one.

Lars yelled instructions to our group. “Don’t worry about tying up the boat – just jump off and RUN for it. Get to cover as fast as you can. There’s a sniper up in that bell tower and he’ll be gunning for you.”

Lars steered the boat into a docking area cut into the shoreline. A pier ran around the rectangular perimeter. There was open ground for 40 feet, then a wall that separated the dock from the cemetery.

As the boat pulled up alongside the dock, I was the first to jump off the boat.

There was a distant Crack –

And something slammed HARD into my makeshift shield.



“Bullseye!” Zollner shouted.

I screamed.

I imagined Massimo lying on the ground bleeding –

The man on the motorcycle fires his gun at my parents –

“You got him?!” Aurelio asked.

Zollner sounded confused. “Well, it was dead center, but… he appears to be carrying… a car door?!”

I lifted my head, eyes wide.

“…what?” Aurelio said in bewilderment.

Zollner laughed. “I’ll bet he took it off a bulletproof car… clever boy!”

Suddenly I could feel my heart beating again.

Aurelio was pissed. “Take out the others, then.”

There was a clack-clack! as Zollner worked the lever on his rifle. The brass shell ejected and hit the rooftop with a metallic clink!

“I shall,” Zollner said cheerfully as he aimed again. “Oh, look – they’re wearing bulletproof vests! That’s so cute. Effective against a nine millimeter round, ja… but not so good against a .338 Laupa Magnum.”