Page 11 of Massimo

Flashbangs and grenades look enough alike that they often get confused with each other.

That’s when the suits panicked –

But by then, it was too late.

I only had a split second to react – I had no idea when it would detonate –

So I screwed my eyes shut, clapped my palms over my ears, and turned away.


I could still hear the thunderous explosion through my hands.

When I turned around, smoke was drifting through the air.

The Widow was holding her ears, her eyes closed in pain.

The men around her were fumbling for their guns. Because of the explosion, their vision was fuzzy and their ears were ringing –

Which is why none of them saw or heard the four black-clad figures rushing through the door at the rear of the room.

All four of them had body armor and helmets –

All wore balaclavas covering their faces –

And all of them carried assault rifles.

I reacted without thinking – which meant that Lars had trained me well.

I sprinted for the dais, keeping the men in suits between me and the intruders.

If I had run in the opposite direction, I would have been the only target in an otherwise empty space. Better to have at least some cover – even if it was the Widow’s henchmen. When the intruders started shooting, I would have multiple bodies between me and their bullets.

And the intruders immediately started shooting.


As bullets slammed into them, the men in suits started flailing around like marionettes with bad puppeteers.

The rail-thin consigliere’s head jerked as a puff of red mist exploded out the back of his skull.

When I’d first entered the palazzo for my meeting with the Widow, I had known I would be searched – so I’d given up my Glock voluntarily. Her guards kept the pistol and frisked me anyway.

So I was completely defenseless and without a weapon –

Which meant my first priority was to get a gun.

The nearest suit had his pistol out when he got shot three times in the back.

As he screamed and convulsed, I grabbed his gun with one hand and seized him around the waist with my other arm before he could fall.

Not because I was trying to help him. He was a goner.

No – I needed a shield to help me get to the Widow.

I held up the suit’s limp body in front of me as I fired the gun under his armpit.