I fucking loved good head. That slick, wet, hot feeling on my dick was my idea of heaven, but when Maddie did it? Especially so willingly. She gave a goddamn masterclass in slow, sensual sucks that had my balls boiling.
I was lucky I was sitting down, because she was bringing me to my knees. “Maddie, you don’t…” I was trying to be the good guy here, sure whatever madness made my girl think a public blow job was a good idea would soon fade and she’d be left red faced and embarrassed, but it hadn’t happened yet. Instead she pulled up, staring at me with eyes hazy with lust, though there was more than that, because there had been more there for some time.
My hand went to her hair, pulling it back from her face, unable to stop from watching every moment of this. Her bobbing her head over my dick, the strokes long, hard and sloppy, just the way I liked it. I tightened my grip when she tried to go too far, the ring of her throat closing around me like a kiss, but I didn’t want her choking for me. Not tears for my girl. I’d promised her that, and I would hold true. And anyway, I didn’t need her trying to shove my cock down her throat. Just this, that moment of connection, where she watched my pleasure and I watched hers, the bar, the whole fucking world falling away as we shared something. Then right as my balls started to boil, she pulled free, leaving my cock to snap back against my stomach, reddened and throbbing.
“What the fuck happened in the toilets, Maddie?” I growled, coming back to myself, but she leaned forward and pressed a finger to my lips.
“Shh… Roxy had a quick word with me, said I needed to make something clear.”
I wanted to ask, no, demand, what the fuck that was, when I got my answer. She turned around and straddled my legs, the stretchy fabric of her skirt easing up just enough to make clear that whatever underwear she had been wearing, it was long gone. I saw Bjorn’s bandage on her thigh, then the dark outline of her pussy, right before she reached between her legs for me.
“What the fu….”
This was a bad idea. Hunter was going off on stage, but people worked out real fucking fast that there was more than one performance going on tonight. Her cunt kissed my cock’s head, then with no further preliminaries, she bore down, swallowing me whole.
It was as if someone had placed a mic too close to the amp, the sharp whine inside my head clearing out all other sound, reducing my focus down to this. Her hair falling over her shoulders, moving rhythmically in time with her body. The constricting heat of her cunt pulsing around me. Her thighs brushing against mine, her butt grinding down on my lap with every snap of her hips. I’d dreamed of the day when I fucked my girl for the first time, but it was never like this, ever. Probably because some drunken dickhead stumbled over, fumbling with his pants.
“That’s a hot piece of arse, Raze,” he slurred. “Gonna share?”
“You better put that pathetic little worm back in your pants, or I will slice it off at the root.” His eyes went wide as he heard the bear’s growl, wider when he saw my claws. Whatever chub he’d managed to muster, his dick went instantly soft as he almost pissed himself in his haste to get the fuck away. “No one look at her!” My voice thundered out through the club, drowning out even Hunter’s music. “Don’t you dare fucking look at my mate!”
Whatever dominance display I was trying to make, it was hampered by her efforts. I couldn’t focus on them, not while she was riding my dick, so I picked her up bodily, catching her glazed expression, right as I turned her around to face me. My cock slid right back where it was supposed to be, buried deep in her, and I ground my teeth together to stop myself from giving in to the velvety suck.
“What the fuck are you doing, Maddie?” I barely rasped that out.
“What I was always supposed to do.” Her eyes met mine. “Claiming you.”
“But you… We talked…”
“I’m done talking,” she said, starting to move again, hypnotising me with the sway of her tits, the feel of her clutching cunt. “I’m done playing. I’m done running. This is fate, right?”
Mostly, yes. She had a way out, but fuck me, if I could bring myself to tell her that, because right now she had to be feeling like I was. That we fit together like a key in a lock. That we unlocked some other part of the other person, each time we came together. I let her run wild a bit and she tore my chest open, cutting past all of my bullshit and reputation until I was wild eyed and gasping beneath her. I was fucking hers, anyway she wanted me and if that was fucking publicly in my bar, then so be it. I clasped her close then rose up, sweeping the drinks off the table and laying her down upon it so I could stare down into her eyes.
“You and I were destined to be together from the moment we both drew breath. It might’ve taken us a while to get here, but I can’t say I regret a moment of it. A moment waiting for you. Are you ready, baby? Are you ready to catch up, because I am fucking here, Maddie. I’ve always been here. I’ll always be in your life, in whichever way you want me and that will never stop. So you tell me what we’re doing, love, because you have my undivided attention.”
She didn’t answer me with words, but actions, letting out a long sigh, and then turning her head. A small voice screamed inside my head that maybe, just maybe I needed to check in with her, see if this was really what she wanted, but… I was just done. Her body was telling me everything I needed to know, so I lunged forward, burying myself as deep as I could go, my baculum jutting out, a roar escaping my lips, right before my fangs buried themselves in her throat.
“Everyone out!”
Roxy’s voice echoed out through the bar, the PA system carrying her order to the very corners, and her natural dominance had most people moving if the noise was anything to go by. But I didn’t care. I just didn’t fucking care, rocking back and forth, feeling my baculum tug on her as she moaned around me.
“Razor… Razor…”
Her nails raked across my back as she clung to me, as if I’d pull away, but she didn’t know. I’d be on her arse like white on rice going forward. She thought I was insufferable before? Well, shit was about to get very real. I hoped she liked having a big bodyguard with a very specific knowledge of how to fuck a bloke up with any number of common tools, because no one and nothing was ever gonna get near my girl again.
“Rafe…” I rasped out. “Call me Rafe.”
Chapter 43
Ours was a fairly small community, so when gossip started getting around, we got word pretty quickly. Our phones lit up, messages pinging at a rate that had us all looking up from the movie we were watching, but each message said the same thing.
Maddie claimed Razor in front of the whole bar.