Then there was another female, who felt as volatile as the weather. Her power shifted with her mood. She was a chameleon. She was accompanied by a male, and he was strong as a mountain, his power hot like a cracked desert. I knew when he laughed, valleys would crumble beneath the weight of his will.

Our war had summoned gods, and I needn't have opened my eyes to witness them.


My vision came back in phases. I followed Amon’s deep, rich aura of purples and velvet greens into the center of the fold.

‘RAVEN LET’S GO!’ Rycon’s voice reverberated in my mind as I finally was able to see again, just as Kieran shot a bolt of lightning at me. Clair threw up a blue-gold shield and the lightning crackled against it. The shield held, but I heard it groan under the pressure.

My vision, which had just been starting to come back, faltered again under the glare. I felt, more than saw the pavement crack beneath our feet as Meredith sent roots up through the ground to try to ensnare Kieran. I heard Rycon’s roar and the whoosh as Kieran evaded his two attackers.

‘Focus. You are bound to Rycon. If you cannot see, use his eyes.’ Amon’s voice was in my head, and I knew what to do. I followed the line of power that bound the shifter to me, and I blinked, finally seeing the battlefield before me with crystalline clarity.

The docks were filled with witches and daemon’s alike. Both Conrad and the wise, elderly woman, whom I could only assume was his grandmother, were drawing water from the nearby lake. I watched as Conrad used the water to drown two advancing witches, forcing the water in streams down their throats. I shuddered at the violence that was so out of character of my happy-go-lucky friend.

Kieran was laughing, his hands above his head. Power grew like an invisible knife cutting through the air behind him. To my horror, several daemons walked out through the gap he had created.

The Veil.

These daemons must be from Ash Nevra’s army. The army that was too big for even Amon to overthrow. They were spilling into the Toronto docks by the dozens.

Meredith turned her attention from Kieran to face the oncoming mob as I stood still from under Clair’s shield. Mr. Abbey came to her side, followed by Amon, and the two other people I had sensed during my initial blindness, but hadn’t recognized.

The male who had reminded me of a mountain, fit the description I had originally given him in my mind’s eye. He towered over the rest of our team, and his biceps were easily the width of my waist. He wore the same close-fitting black armor Amon had on. His dark hair was long and tied back in a low ponytail.

He drew twin sabers that were crossed behind his back and smirked at the oncoming army as if they were merely an inconvenience. In contrast, the chameleon daemon at his side had short cerulean blue hair braided on each side of her head in two Dutch braids. She seemed diminutive next to him, but if I had to go up against one of them, I would have chosen the Mountain. Her aura was so powerful that it was only matched by Amon himself.

She was dressed in the same matte black armor, but she bore no weapons. She faced the oncoming swarm of daemons with empty hands and the same challenging look on her face as the Mountain that towered next to her. She almost looked like the idea of fighting this onslaught of daemons and magick folk was her idea of a good time.

I started to see double and realized the vision in my own body had returned. I pulled out of Rycon’s mind and back into my head. The daemons kept coming through the tear Kieran had made in The Veil. Without counting Rycon and Clair, we had only seven people on our team, facing a steadily growing army. There was no way we stood a chance. I began to shake. It was hopeless.

“Wait,” Clair said softly, feeling my building terror. “Watch.”

The dark army that was filled with beautiful, deadly, faces stood before our tiny team, and nobody moved. Yuh soon find out, Rayven, usually di most beautiful tings, are often di most dangerous. Conrad had said that to me once, and facing this onslaught of daemon’s, I finally understood what he had meant.

Kieran stood before his dark army, his face filled with triumph. Amon’s expression was irreverent, almost bored, as he stood only a hundred feet away from the wizard that had made every single one of my nightmares come true.

“Last chance, Kieran,” Amon said casually as if he were betting another man on a good poker hand. Kieran regarded him scornfully.

“When I bring you home to my queen, she will make me into a god,” He sneered. The blue-haired girl rolled her eyes dramatically as if all this banter were a bore.

“Are we going to fight? Or exchange pleasantries all morning? I haven’t even had a coffee yet.” She muttered.

Conrad and Meredith were the palest I had seen, staring at the wild blue-haired creature with wide eyes. I realized they were scared. Why weren’t these daemons that had accompanied Amon scared? Kieran raised his eyebrows, still grinning like a cat with a mouse. He gestured towards our small squadron politely.

“Please, after you.” He invited. The blue-haired daemon’s smile widened.

“With pleasure, asshole.” She retorted. Her left leg fell back into a fighting stance and her right hand shot forward, pointing at the group of daemon’s directly across from her, shaping her fingers to mimic a gun.

“Bang, bang,” she quipped lazily before a dozen daemons were immediately vaporized. The blast that erupted from her fingers was so white that the sun seemed to dim. The skitter and smash of the energy tore through the air and rumbled through the shipping yard like a sonic boom.

My jaw must have hit the floor, and the opposing army immediately mobilized, enraged. Both Blue Hair and Mountain ran fearlessly into the melee, taking the opposing daemon’s down effortlessly two, even three at a time.

Amon followed his team. His aura encompassed the entire battlefront and I writhed against it. He made the daemon in me soar.

With a flick of his wrist, the elongated shadows created by the army of daemons in the morning light peeled off the ground and came alive. I watched in awe as the shadows turned on their own counterparts and attacked them.

Amon himself went after Kieran.