“Yes. I believe that is an issue that might be addressed another day. We only intended for you to meet Raven today, and you have already done more than we could have expected.” I had barely been there an hour, and I was already thoroughly terrified, and the Nightshades knew it.

All I could think about was that before they had blocked the bond, Rycon had told me that every word out of Kieran’s mouth had been a lie. They were not here to help me. We all knew it. And I wasn’t even sure that Mr. Abbey himself would be enough to protect me from this man.

‘Conrad.’ I whispered into his mind. ‘Get me out of here.’ Conrad showed no outward sign that I had spoken to him. He smiled at the Nightshades in his easy laid back way.

“Rayven’s parents have asked her not tuh leave the house, and wi on borrowed time here. Mi promised mi would get her back home before her parents returned from work. Mi going to take her home, but wi should make plans to meet tomorrow and discuss how wi might protect Rayven from di Court of Lust and di Court of Pride.” He stood, pulling me up with him.

“Of course.” Kieran said, putting down his own cup. He stood with us and reached forward to shake Conrad’s hand.

“Perhaps you, your associates and I can put together a plan today that we can present to Raven at a later date.” Mr. Abbey said as he stood with us. I knew this was a tactic to ensure that the Nightshades did not follow Conrad and I home.

“That sounds like a wonderful plan.” Kieran responded easily. He turned to me and held out his hand for me to shake. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Raven.” I stared at his hand doubtfully. I did not want to touch this man ever again. Mr. Abbey saved me by intercepting.

“Have you seen our garden? Meredith is quite talented. Come, I will show you.” Kieran’s eyes flashed at the clear interruption, however he nodded and smiled graciously.

“I would love to see it. Come Marcus, Maria let’s go outside.” The three of them followed Mr. Abbey out. Meredith looked at Conrad and me.

“Do not let her out of your sight.” She said quietly, before turning and following the Nightshades into the backyard.

Conrad grabbed my hand and hurried me out the front door. Rycon was nowhere to be found as we rushed to the Hornet. He was muttering spells in patwa the whole way down the front path. Enchantments that I assumed were meant to keep the Nightshades from tracing our journey home. He tucked me into the passenger seat before hopping behind the wheel and firing up the engine. My shaking had gotten worse. My teeth were chattering and I was colder than I had ever been.

“Bad idea dat to bring dem here,” Conrad said.

“Before they did...whatever it is they did to our bond, Rycon told me they were lying. He hasn't emancipated himself, and he definitely had something to do with the death of Rycon’s parents.”

“Mi know,” Conrad said. He shifted into first and shot off down the street. He made sure all of the lights were green on the way home.

“Conrad. I’m scared.” I whispered as the car weaved easily in and out of traffic.

“Mi know,” Conrad repeated, his eyes on the road. He was gripping the wheel so hard that his knuckles popped.

“What are we going to do?” I asked, still shaking violently. The hole in my chest where Rycon had been, was like a knife in my heart.

“Add more wards to yuh house. Mi a stay overnight. I’ll style-up miself so Clair and Jeremy nuh worry. Wi should think about relocating yuh. Mi nah going tuh lie Rayven, mi worried dey will still find you.”

“Me too,” I said.

He pulled up in front of my little townhouse and ushered me through the electric blue door. He settled me in by the front window with a cup of tea and a blanket in an attempt to warm me up. He muttered spells and wards over me as I sat, wrapping me up in protective magick. When he was done draping me in spells, he headed outside and I watched him through the window as he weaved even stronger wards around the house.

Several moments later he returned, settling down next to me. I had calmed down a bit. The warm magick he had cast around me helped to still my pounding heart.

“Mi sent word to gran. Wi may need more backup. Mi neva seen somebody block a bond like dat before, so easy. Kieran is powerful, man.”

“But I thought you said your grandmother shouldn’t travel?” I whispered.

“Shi might have to. We can’t face dis alone. Dis is escalating more quickly dan anyone expect’.” He looked at me, his eyes sad. I bit my tongue. Rycon had warned me. He had told me this was a bad idea. I had a nagging feeling that someone else had to, but every time I tried to examine that memory closer, it slipped away.

“Mi so sorry Rayven. Mi should have known better. Dis is all my fault.” He looked so defeated next to me. I put my hand on his.

“You didn’t know. None of us did. Not for sure at least. All we can do now is stick together.” He nodded and turned to look out the window.

“Wi in fah a long night.” He said. I nodded.

Jeremy and Clair both came home around the same time, which was a rare occurrence. Conrad had shrouded himself in a no-see-me glamour, and as we ate dinner he sat in the living room keeping watch.

“Are you ok Raven?” Jeremy asked in between bites. “You’re quiet today.”

I nodded. “Yeah dad, I’m fine. Just a bit tired.”