Still, on the ground, I closed my eyes again and reached deep down into that part of me that I knew bubbled with power. I felt it seep up from its cold bed in the pit of my chest and flood through my veins. As the darkness rushed through me and I readied myself to attack, I heard a small ‘click,’ and something told me to open my eyes. I was staring down the barrel of a handgun that Rycon had pointed directly at my head. The power that had been building dissipated immediately with my shock and terror. I tore my gaze away from the muzzle of the gun and met Rycon’s golden stare.

“Now, for the third and final lesson, Kitten.” He said, his voice deadly quiet and his stance unearthly still. “Bullets are faster than magick. Don’t ever forget that.”


Rycon uncocked the gun and spun it in his hand like a cowboy from an old western movie. The firearm disappeared under his t-shirt to wherever he had originally pulled it from. I stayed where I was, shaking. I hadn’t expected him to have a gun, but honestly, I wasn't surprised.

“You’re tough, I’ll give you that.” He said before offering me a hand up. I eyed it suspiciously, still trying to breathe. He rolled his eyes.

“I think I’ve made my point, Kitten, I won’t hit you again… today.” I narrowed my eyes at him but grabbed his hand anyway and let him haul me up.

“How can you ‘smell a lie?’” I asked, my voice rough. I coughed with the effort and sprayed blood all over my t-shirt. You could barely see the stain on the black cotton. One of the many upsides to an all-black wardrobe. Rycon shrugged.

“Mortals and daemons, alike, secrete hormones and pheromones. They all have different scents that spike at different times, depending on what the person in question is up to. You grow up smelling a certain scent every time someone lies, you start to put two and two together.” I didn’t like the sound of that.

“So, have I gotten through to you? From now on, we’re going to train, and we’re going to do it my way. I’m not going to bother sparring with you until you can at least beat me in a sprint, which is not something that is going to happen overnight.” He said. I scowled at him, though I knew he was right.

“And for godssake eat more. Carbs, protein, and more carbs for you. You’re skin and bones.” He shook his head at me as I wiped more blood off my chin with my wrist.


I turned, mid-wipe, to see Conrad stroll into the backyard. “Mi rang di doorbell, but nobody answered...wha’ gwaan here?”

Rycon watched the Obeah Man approach with his usual air of superiority.

“Hey, Conrad,” I said, spitting more blood on the grass. “You’re late today.” Conrad’s eyes widened at the blood that was still leaking from my mouth and nose. I was sure I looked as bad as I felt.

“What di hell did he do to yuh?” Conrad exclaimed and rushed forward, putting himself between us. Rycon rolled his eyes and bent down to pick up his jacket.

“Calm down, Obeah Man, I was just proving a point.” He said, digging into his jacket pocket and pulling out a pack of Camels.

“And what exactly was yuh point? That yuh can easily beat up a seventeen-year-old girl? I think yuh already made dat point when yuh abducted and tried to murdah har yestaday!” Conrad snarled. Rycon shrugged before putting a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it.

“Essentially, yes. That was my point,” He took a long drag and exhaled the smoke in Conrad’s direction. The Obeah Man hissed in rage and with a flick of his wrist, a jet of steaming hot water shot toward Rycon’s lit cigarette. Rycon stepped out of the way easily, narrowing his eyes at Conrad.

“Okay, that’s enough.” I snapped. “I don’t have the energy for the two of you to have a pissing contest.” Conrad looked at me with a ‘he started it,’ expression and Rycon just shrugged.

“Rycon’s going to teach me how to fight.” I had been fighting my whole life, but there was a bit of a difference going up against a bunch of teenagers and a professionally trained shape shifting mercenary.

Conrad snorted, “Do yuh really think dat’s what yuh need tuh be focusing on right now? Yuh still need to get a stronger grip over yuh powers. Di closer yuh get tuh turning of age, di more dangerous they’re going tuh be.”

The truth was I felt quite the opposite. I was drained, and my aura felt dull. A far cry from the rich tabloid of brightly colored planets that normally blinked in and out of my mind’s eye.

“It wouldn’t hurt to do both,” I said. “Not that any of it will matter when Amon comes to take me away.”

Conrad frowned. “Mi working on dat last one. Meredith is on har way over here, wi need to talk about our plan and how wi going to get yuh out of yuh life debt. In de meantime, we should really work more on yuh powas than han’ to han’ combat. Magick will win every time.”

“Care to put that little theory to the test?” Rycon asked, his hand drifting towards the spot on his waist where I now knew he had a concealed weapon. Conrad flipped him off. I rolled my eyes.

“I’m going to go take a shower and wash the blood out of my hair,” I murmured. “Try not to murder each other.” As I walked back to the house, I could hear the distant crash of waves and the cry of gulls that always seemed to emanate from Conrad when he was pissed. I knew Rycon would be sneering at him, daring him to make a move. This was going to be a long day.


By the time I got out of the shower and headed back downstairs, the glaring party had moved into my living room and had increased by one. Meredith’s tense gaze turned to a smile as I entered the room. Dressed in a long, flowing, earth-green skirt and a billowy white blouse, she glided over to me and hugged me tightly. I felt miserable next to her light flowery energy. She caressed her aura against mine in an attempt to soothe me. However, when she pulled away, she was frowning. She laid the back of her hand on my forehead and clucked her tongue.

“Are you feeling okay?” She asked, “You” I shrugged.

“I’ve felt better. I guess that’s to be expected. Last night was...stressful.” I shot a dark look at Rycon, who was leaning against the far wall with his booted legs crossed in front of him.