Once I had consumed my body weight in caffeine, we made our way back to the Abbey house. The house’s energy poked and prodded at me as Meredith greeted us at the door. The fact that an inanimate building had more control over its aura than I did was equally irritating and motivating.

Now that I was more awake, I was looking forward to these lessons. Did I need a wand? Did witches make potions? The idea of Conrad flying around on a broomstick almost made me laugh out loud. The laughter that glinted in his eyes as we made our way through the house and to the back door, told me that he found my thoughts comical as well.

The three of us spilled out into the backyard. I was grateful for my flannel shirt as the world seemed to have realized that it was still only May and us Canadians hadn’t quite hit our quota for chilly mornings.

“So, what now?” I asked, turning to face Meredith. Today she was in worn blue jeans and a crisp white t-shirt. Her hunter green spring jacket was all pockets and drawstrings and bunched neatly around her narrow waist. The sunlight glinted off of her many necklaces, charms, and rings as she moved, making her look like a modern day pagan princess.

“We start at the beginning.” She said simply. “The first and most important thing, is to teach you how to manage your aura. Once you can do that the rest will come more easily.”

“My aura? You guys keep saying that word and I don’t think I really understand what it means.” I admitted, cocking my head to the side. Meredith nodded and continued.

“Your aura is what has been repelling mortals from you. You cannot feel your own aura yet, but it is a terrifying amount of power. Standing next to you feels like standing on the outside of a magickal hurricane.”

My eyes widened at that. “It can’t be that bad.” I grumbled dubiously. Though one look at Conrad and Meredith’s tight expressions told me that it was. “Oh.” I said, now feeling self-conscious.

“Learning how to constantly keep your aura in check will serve two purposes.” Meredith explained. “One, it will make it easier for you to mingle in the human world and will make being around you more comfortable for magick folk. Two, it will be a good way for you to burn enough energy to prevent magical overflow.” I nodded.

“Think of your power as water, and your body is the cup. If you keep filling the cup without taking a sip, the water will overflow. By not using your power, you are building up a surplus that needs to be released. You are exceptionally strong, so you will need to use your power more regularly than most.

“It is different for magick folk. We borrow magick, we do not create our own. Daemons are made of power. You are manufacturing energy as you stand here before us, and if you do not learn to use it, it will eat you alive.”

“Goddess, Mer... Sugarcoat di damn cookie for once.” Conrad breathed, exasperated. “It’s gonna be fine, Rayven. Pulling yuh aura in around you should be enough for now. Once yuh get the hang of that yuh will be able to manipulate yuh aura, maybe even take from di auras of others to make yours stronger. Mi heard a daemons who can steal talents and skills from other creatures and use them as der own.”

I didn’t like the sound of that.


“Does it hurt? Other people I mean, if I steal their… energy.” I felt cold, and it had nothing to do with the brisk morning air.

“It depends. If you take a little at a time and are gentle about it, it can form a bond between you and the other participant. They will retain the skill themselves and you will be able to call on it as you please. If you forcibly tear what you want from them, it can be painful, even deadly.” Meredith explained.

We were back to me being a monster. I shook my head in an attempt to rid myself of doubt. This is why I was here. To learn how to control this strange new part of me, and hopefully keep anyone else from getting hurt.

“Do you think learning to use my…gifts, will help with the rage?” I wondered out loud. Meredith looked thoughtful at this question. “It is possible that your bouts of rage are a side effect of magickal build-up.”

“Well, let’s get started. I’m freezing.” I chattered, rubbing my hands up and down my flannel-clad arms. Meredith smiled gently and the air around me seemed to warm a little.

“We shall start small, the first step is being able to feel your aura. Even humans have auras, they, however, lack the ability to physically become aware of them.”

I nodded, wondering what Jeremy’s aura was like. I almost giggled. It was probably stiff and orderly. “Close your eyes,” the witch continued. “You must put yourself in a state of mind that witches call ‘Eirene. ’ It is a meditative state.”

I did as I was told. I attempted to feel for my aura. As much as I tried, I couldn’t feel anything, except maybe a little bit silly. Finally, I sighed in frustration. “This isn’t working.” I complained opening my eyes.

“Yuh trying too hard, man!” Conrad said chuckling. “Close yuh eyes and try again. Mi help this time.” I scowled but conceded. With my eyes closed I tried to relax. I could hear the wind rustle through the trees and the buzz of far-off traffic.

As my mind cleared, Conrad brushed his aura against mine and suddenly I couldn’t just feel it, I could see it. With my mind’s eye I could see the seafoam blue cloud of Conrad’s aura mingling with Meredith’s earthy greens and golds. Both of their energies were so light they seemed to dance. Conrad’s rocked and bowed like the ocean’s tide and Meredith’s seemed to bob and sway like leaves caught in a stray breeze.

Mine was much different. It was such a deep black that it seemed to pull at the very air surrounding it. I was so startled at first I almost didn’t notice the tiny pinpricks of light that speckled the midnight energy that surrounded me. I marveled at what almost looked like galaxies twisting in a night sky. It was as if the whole universe exuded from me and I gasped.

My eyes sprang open in wonder. “It’s…beautiful.” I said.

Conrad and Meredith exchanged glances. As I watched my aura expand and brush against theirs, they both shuddered uncomfortably. I immediately drew it back and away from them. Now that I was conscious of it, it felt like an extra limb. A muscle I could flex and move at will. I grinned.

“This…this is unreal.” I breathed, reaching out a hand to brush it through the translucent dark energy that surrounded me. The stars that peppered the yawning blackness twinkled as I ran my fingers over them. I felt a thousand bursts of warmth as if they really were tiny burning suns. “Is mine so different from yours because I’m a half daemon?” I wondered out loud. “Both of your auras are warm. Mine is cold. Except for the stars…”

“Mi don't pretend tuh be an expert.” Conrad replied. “Mi only met a few daemon’s in mi day, but mi have never ever met one with an aura quite like yours.”

Meredith offered a hypothesis, “It is just a theory my father and I came up with, but we think that your aura is a personification of the universe because you are born of the blood of The Origin . The Origin is rumored to have been the creator of all things. Other daemon’s auras also draw from aspects of the universe. They can connect with and play with the very ingredients that make up the reality around us.”