Since I couldn’t yet read minds, I resorted to studying Meredith’s facial expressions. Her lips curved downwards sympathetically.

“You are a half daemon Raven. You are not a devil. There is a difference. No being on this planet is purely evil. Sometimes we become possessed with evil intentions. These intentions are often inspired from evils that have been committed against us, or imbalances and imperfections in the maps of matter that make us who we are.

“Every single being who possesses a higher level of consciousness has been gifted with free will. The choice to do whatever they wish to do. You are no exception to this rule. It is the choices we make that define who we are. It has nothing to do with our origins.”

This was all bullshit. My head was spinning. This day had to be the worst day of my life.

“So, I have to choose not to be evil?” I asked blandly.

“I believe you have already made that choice my dear,” Meredith smiled. I scowled at her. “The very fact that you are asking me this question, means that you are not evil, Raven.

“The daemon in you both protects and threatens you. Your power is curled around your heart. It is likely that it will fully manifest when you turn eighteen, which is perhaps why you have been feeling more…uncomfortable than usual lately.” That was the understatement of the year. I remembered the rising pressure that had built in my chest earlier and had resulted in so many tiny deaths. The guilt I felt about tearing those birds from the sky was overwhelming.

“We have already sent someone to deal with… the mess.” She said and I knew she was referring to the miniature corpses that littered my front lawn. “It is extremely important that you understand Raven, you must get this under control. It is equally important that you know, there are creatures out there who will seek to use you as a weapon. Use you to fulfill their own agendas. I understand that you met such a creature mere moments ago. Prince Amon.”

Conrad’s fists clenched as he stood quietly next to me.

“Amon? That guy from the library? He was a daemon too?” I asked, already knowing the answer. Meredith and Conrad exchanged looks.

“Prince Amon rules The Court of Pride.” She said. “His court is second only to Ash Nevra’s Court, The Court of Lust. There are five other courts that rule under The Dominion of Sin; The Court of Greed, Envy, Sloth, Gluttony and Wrath. These courts are named after the Seven Deadly Sins and exist on the other side of The Veil.

“Both The Court of Lust and Pride have been locked in a political power struggle for over three hundred years. Prince Amon will likely seek to use you as a means to overthrow Ash Nevra. She in turn will likely seek to take your power for herself, or outright kill you, to eliminate you as a threat.” My tired gaze told her without me having to ask, that I had no idea what The Veil was.

“The Veil is a metaphysical barrier between this world and its parallel counterpart. Daemons can pass between worlds at will. Other creatures may be taken across The Veil if a daemon carries them. This has only been done in the past during times of great turmoil.” Her stormy eyes darkened again. “Shortly, I fear, we will all find ourselves in a period of turmoil once again. Your role will be a large one in the events that are to come to pass.”

“What’s going to ‘come to pass?’” I wondered aloud, frowning again. “If you’re a witch, can you see the future?”

“The gift of divination is not a strong trait in my bloodline. I come from a long line of green witches. We are excellent healers.” She explained. “But I do not need the sight to understand that you are in danger. It has come to the attention of The Dominion of Sin that you exist.

For centuries daemons, witches and shifters alike believed that you were a fairy tale of sorts. The blood that runs through your veins gives you great power while putting you at great risk. There are those who would stop at nothing to destroy you to protect their positions and there are those who would attempt to harvest your power to allow them to advance their courts.”

“The Dominion of Sin is like...kind of like... The Board, right? But for daemons?” I asked.

Meredith mulled this over for a moment before answering. “Not quite, but I can understand the comparison. The Board is a governing body run solely by magick folk. The members are composed of the oldest and wisest of each bloodline. Seats on The Board must be earned, and they meet regularly to work towards maintaining the balance between daemons, shifters, and magic folk.

“The Dominion of Sin, on the other hand, operates more like a cluster of monarchies, or a collective group of kingdoms. Each of the seven courts exist within the Dominion, which the Origin founded at the beginning of time. Each court is governed by a daemon powerful enough to claim it.

“The Origin once ruled over all the courts, but he was frozen in stone with his human lover, Elvira, centuries ago. Ash Nevra’s court was the only one powerful enough to assume his position. However, now that you have surfaced, you are a direct threat to Ash Nevra’s claim.

“Additionally, if any of the other six rulers of the other courts were able to harvest your daemon, it would give them the power to challenge Ash Nevra and bring their court to the forefront of The Dominion.”

“So, It’s not like I can sign some sort of peace treaty promising not to take over anyone’s throne or anything? They’re all going to come after me anyway?”

Meredith nodded gravely. “Precisely.” A thought suddenly occurred to me.

“What if I just gave my power to one of them? Then they would have what they wanted, and I could go back to my life? Maybe be normal for once?” Something flickered deep inside of me, and an unexplained sadness welled in my chest. The emotion was out of place, and I didn’t understand it, so I pushed it aside.

“You do not yet understand the power that lives within you. Perhaps you should make an effort to get to know your daemon before exiling it. Once it is gone you might find yourself regretting it.”

“I doubt it.”

“Don’t be so sure.” Meredith cautioned. “If that hasn’t convinced you against that plan consider this: giving your power away would be comparable to handing a loaded handgun to someone you don’t know. How could you trust them to use it responsibly? Furthermore, such an exorcism would most likely kill you.”

“You probably should have led with that last one.” I snapped. This situation was beginning to feel impossible.


Conrad backed away from me for the first time since bringing me my water. I noticed and did my best to calm down. I tended to lash out when I was stressed or upset. I didn’t want to push Conrad away like I did to everyone else. “So, what exactly are my options then?” I asked, doing my best to keep the sarcasm from my voice.