“So he could be lying.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. Conrad nodded.

“Yeah. He could bi lying. However, he claim dat when he stepped away from di coven, he kept di name tuh encourage other Nightshades tuh follow him down di path of di goddess.” I remembered Meredith’s earlier lesson about how some magick folk believed in a goddess who held them to the rule of three.

Whatever you send out into the universe comes back to you threefold. Maybe this Kieran was getting sick of the bad karma generated by his bloodline and wanted to make amends with this diety.

“Even if he were lying, it would have made more sense for him to change his name to maintain the integrity of the lie.” I was thinking out loud. “So, the question is, do we take a chance and trust him? Where does Amon fit into this whole story?” I asked. Meredith took a sip of her tea and sighed.

“Amon is a wild card.” She ran one of her silver-ringed fingers around the rim of her cup. “By a daemon’s standards, he is a relatively new player in the game. His father was a cruel leader whose loyalty to Ash Nevra was unshakable. A little less than a hundred years ago, his father was blindsided in a small rebellion from one of the other courts, Greed, I think it was. He was killed, and the Court of Pride went to Amon. Amon is now arguably the most powerful daemon to exist next to Ash Nevra.”

“So what’s his motive then? Is he not loyal to Ash Nevra as well?” I asked, and Meredith shrugged.

“That is the question, isn’t it? Before his father’s death, there was talk that the two of them would be mated, and Amon spent a considerable amount of time in the Court of Lust in earlier years.” That did not sound promising. The spot where he had touched me on my chin flared, and my triquetra burned in response against my already sensitive skin. I tried to contain my wince so as not to disrupt the flow of information from the magick folk.

Rycon stretched his arms over his head lazily and grinned. “That’s the thing about Amon, though; he left the Court of Lust as soon as his father died. I don’t blame him. He’s strong enough to rival Ash Nevra, he might even be strong enough to take her throne.”

“So why doesn’t he?” I asked. Rycon shrugged, and Conrad answered.

“Wi nah sure. If he still loyal to har, dat would explain it. Amon’s always been a politician. He fill whatever role is needed tuh survive. It could be dat he’s after yuh so dat he can hand yuh over tuh Ash Nevra himself, or he could be using yuh as a weapon to usurp di throne.”

Meredith picked up, “Ash Nevra’s army is ten times the size of Amon’s. You most likely are the winning piece. Much like a human mob can take out the strongest of our kind, Amon is concerned about attacking a court with such a powerful army, no matter how strong he is.” Meredith explained. She got up from her seat to bring her empty teacup to the sink.

Conrad stood up. His eyes were devoid of the joy that had been there when I had first met him, and my heart broke. The charm on my neck flared again, and another roll of nausea coursed through me.

“Either way, der is nah trusting him. He’s done unspeakable tings in di name of Ash Nevra and his father. He’s made it painfully clear dat he nuh care who he hurt, as long as he get what he want. In di few times dat he has shown mercy or kindness, it has been done tuh further his own political agenda. Yuh will be no different. Wi must keep yuh safe from him, Rayven. Der have been rumors dat he’s entertaining Ash Nevra at his court as wi speak. Wi can’nuh allow him tuh take yuh across The Veil.”

As we speak? It was such an obtuse thought to have. It was one thing for everyone to talk about The Veil and the history of creatures. It was a completely different thing to think of a court that was active and functioning as we sat in my living room. Was Amon there now? Was he holding court with Ash Nevra. Were they plotting out all the horrible things they would do to me once he took me across The Veil? This was suddenly getting real and my mind was whirling.

Finally, I nodded. I wanted to put off my acquaintance with Ash Nevra as long as possible.

“Alright, then,” I said decidedly. “I see no other option than taking a chance on this Kieran. If he is who he says he is, maybe he’ll be able to get me out of my life debt.” Rycon rolled his eyes at that. “If not,” I continued, shooting a meaningful glance in his direction, “We will deal with him accordingly.” Conrad smiled at me.

“Giving orders suits yuh, Rayven.” He said. I shrugged.

“Just let me know when he’ll be here.” I looked at Rycon, my lip still throbbing from when he had elbowed me in the face. Rycon nodded at the determination in my gaze.

We would make sure I was ready.


The magick folk left. Conrad made a fuss about how late it was and how Rycon surely had something else to do. The shifter had responded to this with his usual infuriating sneer.

“I’m not going anywhere, Obeah Man. Jealous?” Conrad swore at him in patois before being ushered out by the ever-patient Meredith. When the door closed behind them, I turned to face Rycon.

“You know you can’t be here when Clair comes home in…” I checked my phone, “twenty minutes.”

“Do you know what you’re doing?” He asked softly in a rare display of sincerity. “If Kieran is lying, you’re putting yourself in a great deal of danger.”

“I would be flattered if I thought your concern for my well-being extended beyond your own self-interest.” I snapped. I pushed past him to return to the kitchen, where we had seen the magick folk off at the front door. He grabbed me by the arm and spun me back around to face him.

“You’re right. I don’t give a shit about you or your perfect little life here with your perfect little family. Sue me for wanting to survive this mess that you’ve trapped me in. But I’m the only person you should trust right now. Maybe my motives are selfish, but you know that I’m not manipulating you when I say this is a bad idea. You know it is because if you die, I die.”

‘If someone is touching you and you want them to let go, stare at their hand.’ Jeremy had instructed a younger me. I believed it would repel the bullies. It had not. However, it proved especially effective in this case. I stared at his fingers as they gripped my arm. I then raised my gaze to meet his golden eyes. He buckled first. Rycon ripped his hand away.

“What else would you have me do?” I snapped. “You said it yourself that I don’t stand a chance. I’m pretty sure you referred to my fighting skills as ‘pathetic.’ It’ll take time to train me. I can barely come against you, let alone the queen of the underworld. We need help.”

His skin rippled, and his pupils dilated, which I was starting to recognize as a sign that I had hit a nerve with him.

“This situation is impossible,” he growled.