Page 5 of His Princess

I ran my hands through my hair and drew it in front of my face for a second while I was brooding, then flung it aside. “I think you’re sick, that’s what.”

He shrugged, obviously unconcerned, and took a step toward me. My stomach swooped. “Then you better run. Do you know what happens to princesses?”

“What?” I asked, unable to help myself. I bit the tip of my tongue when his eyebrows waggled.

“They get eaten by dragons.” He winked, and I gasped as he rushed toward me.


He didn’t.

I took off at a breakneck pace for the door of the craft room, and he laughed as he jogged behind me. When I made it out into the hall, I spun on him and held out a hand. Shockingly, he halted.

“You’re horrible. Why would anyone agree to stay with you?”

He rubbed his hands on his suit pants, then let them hang loosely at his sides. He was definitely ready to rush forward and grab me, and my pulse pounded so fast I could feel it thudding in my throat. “Money. That’s what your mother wanted, right? That’s what’s going to keep you here, too.”

“No, it won’t. I have more self-respect than that,” I snapped, then tossed my hair. “I don’t need your money. And for the record, you can shove all that wife stupidity so far up your... your... .”

“Ass?” he supplied, ever so helpfully, lips twitching again.

“Yes!” I shook my finger at him.

He shrugged. “Better run, Princess.”

“Don’t you dare,” I muttered as he tensed. I took off as he lurched forward, and being slim was the only thing that saved me because I dodged his groping hands. I made it to the railing on the stairs and sat my ass on it, then slid down faster than he could run. At the bottom, I hopped off and rushed toward the front door. I made it outside and felt safe, but then the door was ripped open, and he growled.

With a shriek that left my cheeks burning, I kept going. My body thrummed with energy, and I could barely drag in a breath. I made it out to my gold Porsche and leaped inside, then locked the doors. I hyperventilated as he made eye contact with me through the glass of the driver-side window.

He stopped a few feet away, shaking his head and laughing his ass off.

Had the whole thing been a joke? Well, I glared at him and thought about flipping him off, but he was right. I didn’t do things like that, and I wasn’t about to lower my standards for this jerk, one of many men my mother would marry in her lifetime.

She would be back, and he would kiss the floor at my feet in apology.

Dread welled in my throat. Would she be back? What was happening today? Was Mercury in retrograde and banging Pluto or something?

He palmed that thick cock that was visibly trapped in his suit pants, and my body trembled. I was horrified that my dick was hard as I sat there with my heart trying to leap out of my chest while my hands danced on the steering wheel. I squirmed on the seat as I eyed him up. Oh, Jesus. How big was he?

Damn it! How had I given in to his sick games? Maybe this was why Mom had left him? She didn’t really cheat on him, did she? I groaned and let my chin drop to my chest. Who was I kidding? She definitely did it. If he only caught her once it was a verifiable miracle.

Anger gnawed at me as I drove off, but I’d barely made it away from the neighborhood of expensive homes before reality set in and I groaned.

Mom wasn’t okay.

I’d always been the adult in our relationship, and I did the best I could to stop her from being a total mess, but if I didn’t know where she was or who she was with, I definitely couldn’t do that. She was going to get into so much trouble.

“Call Mom,” I said, starting the hunt. Things like this had happened in the past, and she would never leave me.

The ringback tone blared over the car speakers, and I was relieved as the call connected. “We’re sorry,” said a flat, automated voice that didn’t sound as if it cared. “You’ve reached a number that is no longer in service. Please check the number and try again.”

My blood ran cold as the call automatically ended.

“Call Mom,” I said, still holding on to hope.

I got the same awful automated message.

When I passed a gas station, I made the split-second decision to pull in because I needed gas anyway. Plus, I was barely able to pay attention to the road. What happened? Had the entire world gone insane while I was in class today? I dragged my cell phone out of my pocket and tried calling that way, crossing my fingers that there was just something wonky with the Bluetooth in the car. I groaned as the message hit my ear once more, then tossed my phone into the passenger seat next to my pink leather messenger bag.