I think about that fourteen-year-old young man, still a boy really, telling himself he was the man of the family now, that he had to look after his twin sister and mother, and I feel ashamed. I thought he was just a pretty face, just a playboy, but he’s obviously crafted his carefree attitude to cover the layers of unhappiness and problems he’s had over the years.
I glance down at Leia. She’s looking sleepy, having woken around five today. I’d like to shift that to a little later if I can, and get her in a proper routine, so I want to try to keep her awake a little longer.
“I’d better leave you,” I say to James. “Try to get some sleep and hopefully you’ll feel better when you wake up.”
I walk to the door, then stop and turn as he calls, “Aroha.”
“Thank you.”
He looks sleepy and gorgeous. I have to fight not to go back to the bed, climb on the mattress, and crush my lips to his.
Instead, I smile, go out, and shut the door.
I blow out a breath as I walk back into the kitchen. “Not sure I should have taken this job,” I say to Leia. She hiccups and nuzzles my neck, and I chuckle. “But then I wouldn’t have had a chance to meet you, would I?”
I look around the kitchen—I need to clean the breakfast things and tidy up. But there’ll be time to do that when Leia’s asleep.
Instead, I go through to her bedroom, change her, and dress her in a pretty lemon-colored dress with white spots. I add a cute sunhat that looks like the top of a bear, with a smiley face and two ears on top. I rub a little baby sun lotion on her arms, legs, and face, chatting to her while I smooth it in. I place her in the baby carrier and clip it on to myself so she’s facing out. She’s just big enough for it, and she waves her arms and kicks her legs, suggesting she likes it. Then I grab my own sunhat and sunglasses, return to the living room, open the sliding doors, and go out onto the deck.
It’s a beautiful day, warm and sunny. I walk down the steps to where I found James this morning, and then follow the path across the lawn.
I walk slowly around the gardens. A gap in the hedge around the main lawn leads through to a rose garden, with winding paths through the rose bushes, a sundial, a fountain, and a bird bath. I talk to Leia while I walk, pointing out bumble bees, sparrows, and blackbirds. I’m getting her used to the sound of my voice and trying to build a connection with her, and you never know how much babies can understand.
A middle-aged woman in shorts, tee, and sunhat is working on the rose bushes, clipping off the dead flowers and tying them up. “Hello,” she says, smiling as I approach.
“Morning,” I reply, holding out my hand. “I’m Aroha. I’m the nanny to James’s niece, Leia.” The baby is currently holding my finger, and I lift it as if she’s waving.
“Oh, how lovely to meet you.” She shakes my hand, then reaches out to chuck Leia’s cheek. “I’m Sue, I’m the gardener. I heard about his sister. I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you, Sue. I’ll pass it on. He’s asleep at the moment. He was up very late.”
“Hmm. I… ah… found a broken glass by the jacaranda. I’ve picked up all the pieces, but just be careful if you walk that way, okay?”
“Okay, thanks. He was very upset last night.”
“Of course,” she says. “Maddie was a lovely girl. She came here quite a bit. I think he was hoping she’d move in with him, but…” She shrugs. “Was it an accident, do you know? Or did she jump?”
“I don’t know.” I understand her curiosity, but I wouldn’t discuss the details with her even if I knew anything. “Well, have a good morning!”
“You too. Enjoy your walk.”
I continue, going through the gate, astonished to find myself in a tennis court. I love tennis and was in the school team. Does James play, or did it just come with the house? The net’s up, which suggests it’s used. Who does he play with, though? Maybe one of his friends.
I circle the court, heading back toward the house, go through the gate at the far end, and discover the swimming pool. Ooh, what a luxury. It’s large, with a section meant for doing lengths and then a shaped area with a deep end that leads up to a shallow end for children that’s sheltered by a shade sail. The water sparkles in the sunshine. I’ll definitely make use of this, if he doesn’t mind. I can’t imagine that he will.
A man approaches the gate and looks at me in surprise. He’s in his fifties, graying, dressed in shorts, a faded tee, and a sun hat with a wide brim to protect his neck. “Hello,” he says.
“Oh, hi. I’m Aroha. I’m the nanny to James’s niece.” I wave her hand.
“I’m Nick,” he says, coming into the enclosure. “I look after the pool a couple of times a week.” He’s carrying a pipe and a brush on a long pole.
“You do a great job. It looks beautiful.”
He smiles. “Discovering the estate?”
“Yes, just out for a morning walk.” I go through the gate. “Bye.”