“All good?” Henry says when I go in.

“Yeah. She just had a fit because I suggested she take the Porsche tomorrow to Featherstone’s.”

They all laugh. “She’s done well,” Tyson says, making himself another coffee, “she was pretty quick getting all those folders together.”

“What did she do again?” Henry asks.

“She worked at a beauty salon, although she said she’s only been there six months.”

Tyson brings his coffee back. “What did she do before that?”

“I don’t know,” I say in surprise, realizing I haven’t asked her.

“She worked in childcare,” Alex replies.

“Oh, I didn’t realize that.”

“The center closed after COVID,” he says. “Lots of people continued to work from home, and that must have had a knock-on effect on childcare services.”

I realize that’s why she knew a bit about breastfeeding. I’d assumed she had relatives with babies. “Hmm.” I sit back in my seat.

“I’ve got the first draft of my speech,” Tyson says. “Can I run it past you?”

“Sure. Fire away.”

We work for another hour, and then decided to call it a day. We lock up, and I get in the Porsche. Ever since I broke up with Cassie, I’ve been going back to West Melton at night. The apartment no longer holds an attraction.

I arrive home around six thirty, let myself in through the security gates, and cruise slowly up the long drive to the garage. I park the Porsche inside and lock it up, then cross to the house, passing the swimming pool on the way. The water is crystal clear and looks inviting, and I debate whether to have a dip before getting myself some dinner, but as I go into the house, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I take it out and see Maddie’s name on the screen, and answer the call.


“Hey.” She sounds tired. “Sorry to bother you. Is this a good time?”

“It’s the perfect time. I just got in.” I cross the living room, go into the kitchen, open the fridge, and fetch myself a cold beer. “How are you doing?”

“I’m okay.”

I crack open the beer and have a long drink. Ah, nothing beats it on a hot day. I wipe my mouth on the back of my hand. “What have you been up to?”

“Not much. Trying to get some rest.”

“Any improvement on the boob front?”

Normally she’d have made a sarcastic rejoinder, but she just says, “Not really.”

I take the beer out onto the deck and sit in one of the chairs that overlooks the garden. “Is Leia okay?”

“She’s fine. She’s slept a lot of the day. I’ve tried to sleep when she does, but I just lie there, staring at the ceiling. My heart won’t stop racing, and I feel so anxious. I was… I was wondering if you’re free tonight.”

My heart sinks. I lean back in the chair and watch a fantail flitting around in the nearby lemon tree. I don’t say anything for a moment.

“You’re busy,” she says immediately. “Of course you are.”

“No, I’m not…”

“But you’re tired, and you want a rest. I’m so sorry to ask.”

“Mads, come on. You can always talk to me. If you really need me, of course I’ll come over.”