I purse my lips. Then I have another spoonful. “You’re a temptress.”
“Is it working?”
“A little bit.”
We both laugh, but it’s true. I’ve kept my desire locked away over the past few weeks, but now I feel like a lazy bear waking up after hibernating. Everything’s stirring, and it’s difficult not to groan as an internal battle wages between my conscience and my lust.
When we’ve finished the dessert, she says, “Bath time,” to Leia. Then she lifts her out of the highchair.
“Careful,” I say. I’ve been lifting Leia for her the last few days.
“I told you, I feel much better,” she teases. Then she walks away, still just in her teddy, murmuring to Leia, and leaving me with the view of her beautiful bottom.
I return the dishes to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. Tidy up a bit and wipe down the counter.
Then I give in and follow her to the bathroom.
I lean against the door jamb and sigh at the sight of her bending over the bath. “Let me,” I scold, kneeling beside her to hold Leia.
She leans on the side of the bath, her arms touching mine. “You should take your T-shirt off,” she suggests. “So it doesn’t get wet.”
I give her an amused look, and she giggles, but it’s impossible to resist her, so I strip off my tee and toss it away, then continue supporting Leia as she sits there and splashes in the water, playing with the rubber ducks and other toys. I’m conscious of Aroha’s heated gaze on my skin like lasers.
“You have a beautiful body,” she says, brushing her fingers down my back.
I shiver.
“Sorry,” she murmurs, not stopping. “Is that not nice?”
I lean on the bath and run a wet hand through my hair, her touch firing every nerve ending in my body. Leia splashes me, and I sigh. “You two are determined to make life a misery.”
“Does this make you miserable, then?” Aroha strokes down my back.
I lower down, resting my chin on my hand on the side of the bath, supporting Leia with my other. “No,” I mumble.
So she continues, stroking up my side, across my shoulder, and then down my back again, her fingers feather light. She circles them around the nape of my neck and draws them up into my hair, making my scalp tingle.
I know I should be the one doing the seducing, but the way she’s touching me is so innocent, and yet so erotic, I can’t bear for her to stop. I want to kiss her. I want to take her in my arms and feel her soft body against mine. But I’m not taking my eyes off Leia while she’s in the water.
“I should get Leia out,” I say eventually, my voice husky.
“Mmm.” She leans forward and kisses my shoulder. “I’ll go prepare her bottle.”
I sigh as she leaves the room, then get the towel ready and lift Leia out onto it. I dry and powder her, then wrestle her into a onesie before picking her up and taking her through to the living room.
Aroha’s just removing the bottle from the warmer, and we go over to the sofa, where she sits and starts to feed Leia.
I sit beside her, and she nestles up close and looks up at me with those eyes that beg me to do wicked things to her.
So I kiss her. Slowly, languorously, taking my time. I kiss from one corner of her mouth to the other, then up her cheek, across her eyebrows, and back down her nose to her mouth.
She parts her lips, and her tongue slides against mine, slow and sensual, and I sigh, knowing I’m nearly beaten.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” I murmur, cupping her face.
She looks into my eyes, and hers are gentle. “I know. And if you’d really rather wait, that’s okay. But I feel better. My ribs are tender, but not painful now. If you don’t mind… um… taking it slow… you know… taking our time…”
That does it. The thought of making love to her slowly, drawing out our pleasure, makes me crumble.