In the afternoon, I take down the bassinet and transfer it into the room next to mine, then spend a while moving the change table and all the other paraphernalia down there. Afterward, I carry Aroha’s clothes through and help her put them in the wardrobe I’ve emptied in my room for her. She doesn’t have many. I know she’s left some at her parents’ place, but even so… I announce that I’m going to buy her a whole new wardrobe, a hundred pairs of shoes, and lots of expensive jewelry.

“I’d love a pearl necklace,” she says.

“Jesus.” I blow out a breath at the thought.

“I’m serious. Don’t you think it would look nice? A row of shiny pearls, right across here…” She draws a semi-circle across her throat, giving me an innocent look.

I sigh. I’m enjoying being with her, but I didn’t expect it to be such torture.

Yesterday, when I saw Josh, the doctor, to the door, I asked him how long it would take her to recover.

“Just be careful with any bedroom gymnastics for a week or two,” he teased.

I almost blushed, and he laughed as he walked out. But his words made me determined to wait until she’s healed before we have sex.

Aroha, however, seems to have other ideas.

I have the vague feeling that I’m being seduced. She’s very subtle about it. But it’s her eyes. She looks at me as if she’s constantly thinking about doing erotic things to me. She’s doing it right now. Her words were innocent, but her eyes are suggesting she’s thinking about something much saucier.

“Stop it,” I scold.

“I’m not doing anything,” she replies. But her lips curve up, and I have to stifle a groan.

Every time I walk past her, she looks at me as if she can see right through my clothes, and it’s impossible not to stop, slide my arms around her, and nuzzle her neck. I do it gently, so as not to hurt her ribs, but the way she sighs and tips her head to the side sends tingles all the way through me.

And when she lifts her arms around my neck and rises on tiptoes to kiss me, it pushes my willpower to its limits. Her lips are so soft, and the way her tongue teases mine makes my head spin.

That evening, after we’ve put Leia down in her bassinet, we watch a movie together. Aroha curls up beside me, and I put my arm around her, and we proceed to make out for the length of the movie. Afterward, I can’t recall a single thing about it. All I can remember is kissing her, and the heat in her eyes every time I looked at her.

That night, for the first time, we have the bed to ourselves.

We brush our teeth together, then slide beneath the duvet—she in her pajama top and shorts, me in my boxers.

She lies back, her brown hair spilling over the pillow like chocolate-colored satin.

“Well, well,” she says. “What shall we do now to entertain ourselves?”

I’m determined not to give in. She’s had ice packs on and off all day, and she’s taken regular painkillers, but I know she’s still in a lot of pain.

Still, it doesn’t mean I can’t kiss her, right? So I don’t fight her off when she snuggles up to me, and I slide a hand into her hair and hold her gently with my other arm while we indulge in a long, sensual kiss.

Then I sigh, lean back, switch off the light, and say, “Turn over.”

Her eyes widen. “Seriously?”

“I told you. We’re going to wait until you’re better.”

Her jaw drops. Then she turns away from me, gingerly, so I know I’m making the right decision. She heaves a big, sulky sigh, though, letting me know her disapproval.

I stifle a chuckle and move closer to her, wrapping my arms around her, and she nestles back against me. Her hair smells of mint again, and her perfume is something spicy and musky… I stifle a groan.

“Are you sure you don’t want to?” she murmurs. She wiggles her butt in my lap, obviously feeling my erection.

I stuff the duvet between us. “Stop tempting me.”


I kiss her ear. “No. Now go to sleep.”