“Of course.”
“Can you check that Leia’s okay?”
I go to tell her that she’s fine, but I can see the fear in her eyes, so I just nod. “Okay.” I walk back through the house. I’ve just entered the west wing when my phone rings in my pocket.
I take it out and look at the screen—it’s Ethan. I answer it. “Ethan? I was going to call you.”
“I’ve just spoken to Blue’s lawyer,” he replies. “Do you know Terry Campbell? He’s been at the police station. Terry knows that Blue’s fucked up big time. The fact that you’ve gotten married, followed by his antics today, has blown up in his face. Terry has advised him to drop his claim for custody.”
Joy flows through me. “Jesus. That’s fantastic.”
“He said that Blue isn’t interested in Leia. He’s even saying he’s probably not the father, as he’s not on the birth certificate, and if he’s not getting any money, he doesn’t want anything to do with her.”
“Fine by me,” I say.
“Yeah. Basically, he knows that all a court case is going to do is cost him a fortune. So Terry has put forward a suggestion—that Blue relinquishes any attempt to name himself Leia’s guardian, and that he drops his application for a Parenting Order or adoption. He’ll even sign a document stating as much.”
“What does he want in return?”
“That you drop all charges and don’t take out a restraining order, so he doesn’t get a police record. And that you pay him a significant sum of money.”
“How significant?”
“A hundred thousand.”
I grit my teeth. It goes against the grain to give the man anything. But if it means it makes sure he has no claim on Leia…
“I want the document to state that he’s not going to come anywhere near Leia or Aroha again,” I tell Ethan.
“Fair enough. And regarding the money, we can probably get that sum reduced, and—”
“No, it’s fine. I’ll do it to get him out of my hair.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yep. Draw it up. I’ll come in tomorrow and sign it.”
“All right. I’ll get going on it now.”
“So… it’s over?”
“Looks like it.” Ethan’s tone suggests he’s smiling.
I blow out a long breath. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I’m just sorry you had to go through this today. How are mum and baby?”
I smile at his use of ‘mum’. “Leia’s fine. Aroha has bruised ribs where Blue kicked her.”
“Jesus. Fucking bastard.”
“Yeah,” I say vehemently. “But she’s okay. And she’ll be thrilled to know it means Leia is… ours.” I tingle at the word.
“All right. I’ll email the document to you when it’s done for you to check over.”
“Thanks, Ethan. Bye.”
I end the call and stand there for a moment. Then I walk through to Leia’s bedroom, and go over to her bassinet. She’s fine—sleeping soundly, her skin a healthy pink, blowing bubbles as she breathes.