I soften inside like chocolate left out in the sun. “Okay. I’m sorry.”

He scratches at a mark on his track pants and mumbles something.

“I didn’t mean to insult your manhood,” I add, teasing him in the hope of lightening the situation, realizing I’ve obviously upset him.

That earns me a wry look. “It’s a sensitive topic, that’s all, and I’d hate your parents to think badly of me.”

“Why?” I ask, amused. “You don’t even know them.”

“Not yet, but I’m going to meet them, right? They’re special to you, and I…” He trails off, looking embarrassed.


“I want them to like me,” he says. “I’m only human.”

I’m touched, but I say mischievously, “Dad will think you’re a pretty boy.”

That makes him laugh. “I’ve heard worse.” He looks at me curiously. “You’ve never spoken about your exes. I presume there have been some?”

“I’m not a virgin, if that’s what you’re asking.”

He chuckles. “How long have you been single?”

“Nearly five years.”

He looks startled. “Jesus. How old are you?”


“And you haven’t dated since you were twenty?”

“Um, briefly, last year, but it didn’t work out.”

He studies me, curious now. “Why did you go so long without seeing anyone?”

I wasn’t going to tell him. But it’s late, and it’s dark in the room because we haven’t switched the lights on, and the sun has almost set. And lastly, I realize with some surprise that I trust him.

I take a deep breath. “Because the guy I was dating back then assaulted me.”

Chapter Thirty-One


I stare at Aroha for a long time.

She sits there quietly, bearing my gaze with patience, while horror, pity, and fury blend together inside me.

“I wasn’t going to tell you,” she admits eventually. “I’m guessing you want to challenge him to a duel.” Her lips curve up. She’s trying to lighten the moment because she can see the emotions on my face.

“I want to kill him,” I say eventually, when I can trust myself to speak.

Her expression softens. I think she likes that answer, although she doesn’t respond.

I can’t think what to say. Eventually I opt for, “Did you go to the police?”


So the bastard got away with it. “Why?” I ask, aghast.