“Well, yeah, but you know what I mean. You say you’re not used to eating in posh restaurants, and you refuse to spend money when you go shopping, and you act like I’ve bought you a private jet when you get in the Range Rover, but you take it all in your stride. You’re very calm and capable, without having an air of privilege that so many have.”
I think of Cassie, and how she expected the whole room to be looking at her when she walked in. She always wore designer clothes, and all her jewelry looked as if it belonged to the English royal family.
“Have you told Cassie you’re getting married?” I ask.
He gives me a wry look as he sips his coffee. “No.”
“Are you going to?”
“She’ll find out soon enough.”
“Do you think she’ll be shocked?”
He shrugs. “She knew I liked you. That was why she was always so snippy with you.”
My jaw drops. He has another mouthful of coffee, his eyes meeting mine over the rim. His lips curve up a little. I can’t think what to say.
He notices and laughs. “You’re not surprised, surely?”
“Of course I’m surprised. I didn’t know… I wasn’t sure…”
“I took you back to my hotel and went down on you. I would have thought that was a clue as to how I felt about you.”
I blush completely scarlet. “Oh my God.”
He laughs. “Sorry was that a bit blunt?”
“You’ve got to warn me if you’re going to say something like that.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot. Incoming.” Still chuckling, he puts down his cup. “I think I might take a shower. Then you can have the bathroom for as long as you want.”
I don’t say anything and just watch as he gets up, retrieves his washbag from his case, and heads into the bathroom.
I lift Leia onto my shoulder as the door closes. “I’m not going to make it out of this alive.”
She emits a loud burp, and I sigh. Yeah, that about sums it up.
I shower and shave, wrestle my hair into submission with some product, then pull on my jeans and head out into the bedroom. Aroha is just putting Leia down on the playmat she’s brought with her, and she pops the folding frame up and places it over her.
She turns as I walk over to her, and her eyes nearly fall out of her head.
I look down and realize I haven’t zipped up my jeans. “Don’t look so terrified,” I say wryly. “I’m wearing boxers. It’s not going to escape.”
“Like Godzilla,” she suggests, gathering her wits. “And rampage across the room?”
I laugh and start taking out my suit.
“You smell nice,” she says.
“Thank you.” I send her a smile, then hang up the suit carrier on the outside of the wardrobe.
“You’re wearing a suit?” she asks.
“I’ve had my instructions from Alex,” I reply. “He said I needed to dress up.”