“Something smells nice,” he says. He crouches and kisses the top of Leia’s head where she’s sitting in her new bouncy seat.
“I’m making a beef casserole.” I stir the dish, replace the lid, and slide it back into the oven.
He straightens, takes off his jacket, shoes, and socks, then leans a hip on the counter, folding his arms. “I thought you weren’t talking to me.”
I remove the oven gloves I’m wearing and stand facing him. I tuck a strand of loose hair behind my ear and give a little shrug. “I wanted to say thank you for writing that note, and to apologize for my reaction yesterday. It was a shock, that’s all.”
He nods. His eyes are warm. “I saw the car out the front.”
“It’s beautiful, James. Absolutely gorgeous. And it drives like a dream.”
“I’m glad.”
“I went shopping.”
“Hmm.” He runs his tongue over his top teeth in a move that reminds me of a tiger looking at a wounded deer. “I checked my bank accounts.”
I stiffen. He told me I could use his credit card. Is he going to berate me now for how much I’ve spent? In alarm, I think about the new stroller and carrier. And oh God, all those T-shirts. I did go a bit mad.
He surveys me coolly. “You spent just under fourteen hundred dollars.”
My face burns so hot, I know I’ve turned scarlet. “Oh. Um. I’m so sorry. It’s mostly bits for Leia. I thought you’d prefer well-made items that will last rather than cheap ones.”
He blinks.
“I kept the receipts,” I say, fumbling in my pocket, flustered. “And everything’s in the living room so you can check it.”
“I did treat myself to a couple of bits of clothing.” God, my face is burning. “I’m sorry, but you did say I could.”
“What on earth did you buy?”
“Um… two pairs of leggings and four T-shirts.”
“I told you that you could buy anything you wanted,” he says softly, “and you bought two pairs of leggings and four T-shirts.”
“They were in a buy-one-get-one-free offer…”
“Aroha… are you under the impression that I’m mad at you?”
It’s my turn to blink. “Well, aren’t you?”
“It crossed my mind that you might have trouble if you spent more than the credit limit.”
“What’s the limit?”
“A hundred thousand.”
I stare at him. “Sorry?”
“Honey, I half-expected you to reach the limit. Most women I’ve met would have had a field day if given free rein on a rich guy’s credit card.”
He’s not angry. He’s stunned that I didn’t spend more.
“I did buy lunch,” I add.
“I noticed. Twenty-three dollars at Baby Bump Café.”