His gaze sharpens. “Just because your marriage is going to be based on a lie doesn’t mean mine will be.”
Ouch. That stings.
“You’re going to marry her?” I ask after a moment.
“Have you asked her yet?”
“No. I was thinking of doing it on Valentine’s Day.”
It’s my turn to drop my gaze. I feel surprisingly envious of his obvious happiness, and his disapproval makes me feel an inch high.
But he didn’t see Blue and his wife, and those suspicious marks on her arms. And he’s a better man than I am. He didn’t let Maddie down. He isn’t responsible for her four-month-old baby. I’ll do anything to keep Leia now. Whatever it takes.
I get to my feet again. “Tell Missie if you want. If she refuses to be a witness, let me know. I’m sure I can pull a couple of strangers off the streets.” My voice is bitter. I turn to leave.
I stop and turn back.
“We’ll do it,” he says softly. “Missie will be all right; she’ll understand.”
I hesitate, tempted to tell him to shove his offer. But that would be childish, and oddly, for some reason I can’t fathom, I do want him there. “Okay. Thank you.”
“Have you organized a celebrant yet?”
“No, I was going to do it this afternoon.”
“Leave it with me. I’ll do it.”
Surprised, I say, “Okay, thanks.”
“Just… be careful. It’s a big thing Aroha’s doing for you. Don’t forget that.”
“You don’t think a million dollars is enough of a thank you?”
He tips his head from side to side. “I’m not sure you can put a price on a broken heart.”
I laugh. “I’m not going to break her heart.”
He gives me an amused look as he picks up his phone. “I wasn’t talking about her.”
I stare at him, but he puts the phone to his ear and says, “Close the door on your way out.”
I leave and head to my office, already dismissing his words. Nobody’s heart is going to get broken. We both know it’s a business decision, and that Leia is the only thing that matters.
Chapter Twenty-Five
I wait until I hear James’s car roar up the driveway, then, carrying Leia, I go through to the living room.
In the distance, I can hear Sue already at work, mowing one of the far lawns. Otherwise, the house is quiet.
I inhale, then let the breath out slowly. Leia looks up at me, and I say, “It’s just us, baby girl.”
Leia looks disappointed, but I’m relieved. When James is here, I’m acutely conscious of him, whether he’s in the same room or at the other end of the house in his office. I can smell his cologne everywhere, and it makes me nervous that I can walk around any corner and discover him there, watching me with those unnerving turquoise eyes.