We cross the tarmac into the airport, then head out of the front doors to the waiting cars.
“See you on Wednesday,” he says.
“Yeah, see you.” I cross to my Uber, put the case in the boot, and get in. Within seconds, we’re heading away, into the busy traffic.
I press my fingers to my mouth, remembering how it felt when he kissed me. It didn’t mean anything. He was literally just saying goodbye.
But I can remember the subtle heat in his eyes, and the way he lingered, just a fraction too long for friends. I’m going to have to be very careful over the next few weeks, or I’m going to end up in serious trouble.
Wednesday 3rd January
I arrive at the Kia Kaha building just before eight, park my car out the front, and make my way around to the side entrance. James texted me yesterday to say that, as the office isn’t officially open, they keep the doors locked, and to let him know when I arrive, so I message him to say I’m here. Just a minute later, I see him striding across the lobby.
The last few times I’ve seen him here, he was wearing a suit. I wasn’t sure if I’d be expected to wear office attire, so I’m in a short-sleeved white top, a black skirt, and the neutral-color sandals I wear with everything. But today he’s wearing cargo shorts, a gray tee, and Converses. He’s clean shaven, but he looks tired.
He smiles as he unlocks the door and opens it, though, and says, “Hey.”
“Morning.” I go inside, and he locks the door behind me. “Happy New Year.”
“Happy New Year.” He leans forward and kisses me on the cheek, leaving behind the faint scent of his cologne. My heart lifts. It’s only been a few days since the wedding, but I’ve been busy trying to work things out with Mum and Dad, and it’s been a tough time. Seeing James again gives me a buzz I hadn’t expected. “How are you doing?” he asks as we walk through the lobby.
“I’m okay, thank you.”
“Good. You’ve been to Kia Kaha before, right?”
“Not for a while.” It’s a beautiful building that looks as if it’s been built around the landscape, with natural wood, lots of plants, and glass walls that make it feel light and airy.
“The bathrooms are over there. Emergency exits there and there. If you have to go out, just let one of us know and we’ll lock up behind you.”
“We’re in the boardroom.” He gestures along the glass-walled corridor. Ahead of me, I can see Alex, Henry, and Tyson sitting at the long wooden table in the center of the large room, laptops before them, chatting as they choose Danish pastries from a box.
“How are Maddie and Leia?” I ask.
He runs a hand through his hair. “Leia’s fine. Maddie’s… struggling. She’s still got mastitis, and she’s feeling rough.”
“Is she on antibiotics?”
“Yes, and painkillers. She’s stopped breastfeeding now, and Leia’s doing well on the bottle, but I guess the body continues to produce milk for a while.”
“Yes, I think it can take weeks or even months to dry up.”
“I hope it doesn’t take that long for her. She’s really unhappy at the moment. I promised her I’d go and see her this weekend.”
“Did you talk to her about her coming to live with you?”
He nods. “She says she doesn’t want to cramp my style.”
“Well,” I tease, “I’m sure you have a revolving door on the front of your house, so…”
He gives me a wry look, but the worry lines still mar his forehead. He’s really concerned about her. I know what that’s like. I hope she feels better soon.
Chapter Nine