“Aroha,” he scolds, eyes gleaming. “You’ve got a dirty mind.”
“You said it.”
“I was talking about using the printer.”
“Yeah, right.”
“You’d better not let Alex hear you flirting. He’s got a bee in his bonnet about sexual harassment at work.”
“I’ve already had the talking to. I told him you were employing me, and he said it’s one policy he puts his foot down for.”
He chuckles. “That sounds like him.”
“He was singing your praises.”
“I didn’t know you were Head of Finance. Or that you had two degrees.”
He shrugs. “I like studying. I’m doing an MA at the moment.”
“Wow. You’re a glutton for punishment.”
“I like broadening my mind.”
“You’re quite smart really, aren’t you?”
“In some ways. In others, not so much.” He laughs and turns to answer a question from Tyson, and before long we’re pulling up at the hotel. We all tumble out, and as we’re all on the same floor, we squeeze into the elevator and ride up together.
When the doors open again, we spill out, and everyone says goodnight and starts heading for their rooms.
“Goodnight,” James says. “I hope you sleep well.”
“I’ll sleep better than I was going to because of you,” I tell him honestly.
His lips curve up—he likes that. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the church?”
“Yeah. See you tomorrow.”
We smile at each other, then head off in opposite directions.
By the time I reach my door, he’s already opened his and gone inside, and it closes behind him.
Next day, the wedding goes like a dream. The weather stays fine all day and all evening, which means the photos are full of sunshine, and the plans to have dinner outdoors can go ahead.
I don’t get to talk to James much, but that’s fine—we bump into each other from time to time. I see him in the church, helping people to find a seat, his natural charm winning over old aunts and uncles alike. Back at the house, I watch him helping Alex, the best man, to get everything organized so that Damon’s day goes as smoothly as possible.
We do have a dance later on, and we chat about the day and say how much we’ve enjoyed it. I try not to flirt, though. Alex’s warning is in the back of my mind, and I intend to honor it.
At the end of the day, I go back to the hotel with Gaby and Tyson, but James stays behind, so I don’t get to see him again until the following morning, when we all board The Orion at ten to go back to Christchurch. This time, James sits next to me, and we chat while we drink our coffee, looking out of the window occasionally at the Southern Alps beneath us.
“What are you doing for New Year’s Eve?” I ask.
“Seeing Maddie,” he says. “I can’t leave her on her own.”
“Of course not. I’m sure she’ll appreciate you being there.” He gives me a strange look, and I say, “What?”