But I’ve screwed up any chance of that by making her marry me for money. I’ve done it all backwards, when we haven’t even gone on a date. I can’t count the trivia night. I don’t want to count the trivia night. That was a complete disaster. I don’t even really know how she feels about me. She says she trusts me. But does she mean like a friend, or a brother? Now she’s said that, I can hardly make a move on her.
God, I’ve really fucked up this situation.
I look back up at her. Her eyes are closed.
I sigh and rest my head on the pillow. Her hand is resting below Leia on the duvet. I move mine next to it. Then I move it an inch closer, so our fingers are touching.
Looking up at her, I see her lips curve up, just a little.
I close my eyes, and within a few minutes, I fall asleep.
Chapter Thirty-Two
The next day, Sunday, we finally go to see my parents.
I called Mum this morning and explained that James and I have fallen in love, and that yesterday we went away for the night. I said that he told me while we were there that he’d booked a celebrant and wanted to marry me. As I expected, she was shocked, but she also seemed to find it romantic, and when I said he wanted to come and meet them that afternoon, she replied that she was excited to meet this guy who’d captivated her daughter.
I hate that I’ve lied to her, but I don’t want to tell her the truth. She’d be horrified that I’ve married for money, even if I explained how it will help James get Leia. It’s going to be hard enough to get her to accept any of the million dollars that appeared in my new account this morning. She and my father are very proud, and so although I originally told them I was working for a wealthy guy, I haven’t told them how wealthy he is. I think their heads would explode.
“There’s no bell,” James says when we walk up to their front door. “Shall I knock?”
I shake my head. “The noise upsets Rua. They’ll hear us, don’t worry.”
He nods. I’ve explained that Rua is very sensitive and finds loud noises overwhelming, and that he doesn’t speak much. I’m a bit nervous for James to meet my brother. I love Rua with all my heart, but strangers struggle with how to talk to him, and he can sometimes get anxious and aggressive with those he doesn’t know.
James is holding Leia’s carry seat in one hand. She’s had a nap and I’ve fed and changed her, so she’s bright and perky. He has her change bag in the other. He passes it to me, though, as the door opens.
Dad looks at us, pinning a smile on his face, although his eyes are cool when he looks at James. “Hello,” he says, “come in.”
I kiss him on the cheek as I pass him, then say, “Dad, this is James. James, this is my father, Mik.”
“Tena koe,” James says, a formal greeting, as he holds out his hand. Then in Maori, he proceeds to say that I’ve told him a lot about him, and he’s been looking forward to meeting him. He speaks fluently, without faltering. I look at him in astonishment—I didn’t know he could speak Maori beyond a word or two.
My father lifts his chin, accepts the handshake, and then, to my surprise, comes forward to give James a hongi. It’s a common practice amongst Maori—the pressing of noses—especially in the marae or meeting house, but I’m sure James isn’t expecting it, and I wait for him to look surprised or unsure. He doesn’t—he dips his head, and the two men solemnly exchange the Maori greeting. Of course—I forget James is a businessman, used to traveling and speaking to all kinds of people. Still, I’m so touched that my throat tightens.
“Come in,” Dad says gruffly, closing the door behind him.
I glance at James, who winks at me, and I lead the way into the living room. The place is spotless, and there are fresh flowers from the garden on the dining table. My sister is there, sitting with Rua, and Mum stands as we come in.
“Mum, this is James,” I say, keeping my voice low so I don’t agitate Rua. “James, this is my mum, Samantha.”
“Pleased to meet you,” he says, shaking her hand.
“Hello, James,” she says, eyes sparkling. “So you’re the man who’s captivated my daughter.”
He gives me an amused glance, and I blush and clear my throat. “This is Marie.”
He shakes hands with my sister, smiling as she giggles.
“And this is Rua,” I say, gesturing at my brother.
“Nice to meet you, Rua,” James says in a low voice. He doesn’t try to shake Rua’s hand. Rua keeps his gaze fixed on the robot toy he adores that never leaves his side.
“Please, come and sit down.” Mum gestures at the sofa.
James and I sit side by side, and he places Leia at our feet in her carry seat.