“No, we’re your saviors,” Gaby states. “We’re the ones who are going to help you turn this fake marriage into a real one. Now. Let’s talk outfits.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
We work all morning, then stop around one, make ourselves some sandwiches, and take them out onto the deck with a can of Coke Zero each.
I feel as if I’m just starting to relax after the horror of the funeral. The gray skies have cleared, and the heat of the summer sun makes me glad of the shade sail. Nothing helps me more than working hard and using every part of my brain to solve problems. Well, apart from really good sex, and that’s not on the table anytime soon. Or on the floor, or in bed for that matter.
And now I’m thinking about Aroha again.
She’s strictly out of bounds, I remind myself. I mustn’t think about her in that way. I’m not going to make a fool of myself by making a move on her.
Then I think of the way she sat on the bed behind me yesterday and stroked my brow. How she stayed by my side all day, making sure I was all right. How, when I looked into her eyes last night, they were filled with longing.
I blink away the memory. Even if they were, it doesn’t matter. If I sleep with her, I might mess everything up again, and my first priority has to be Leia. Once Leia is mine, well maybe then I can start thinking about moving forward with my life. But until then, I have to stay focused.
“I wonder how the girls are doing,” Tyson says. “I bet Gaby’s bought up half of Christchurch by now.”
“Aroha might have spent twenty dollars if I’m lucky,” I say wryly, bringing my attention back to the conversation.
“I think you’re the only guy I’ve heard who’s disappointed because their girl doesn’t spend enough,” Tyson replies.
“She’s not my girl.” I have a bite of my sandwich.
“Of course not.” His eyes sparkle.
I glare at him, then at Alex. “What did you say?”
“I haven’t said anything,” Alex replies, amused.
“Gaby told me,” Tyson says.
“Told you what?” Henry asks.
Tyson looks at me. “Ah. I didn’t realize he didn’t know.”
Henry looks insulted. “Am I out of the loop?”
Alex stifles a laugh, and I huff a sigh. “Oh, all right. But please don’t tell anyone else.” I explain how Aroha and I are getting married next week in the hopes that it’ll play well in the courts.
“Shit,” Henry says. “And she said yes?”
“For a million dollars, yes.”
His eyes widen. “She asked for a million dollars?”
“No, of course not. I said I’d give it to her if she agreed.”
Carefully, he leans forward and places his can on the table, then links his fingers and looks at me. “Let me get this straight. You asked Aroha to marry you, strictly as a business deal, and offered her a million dollars.”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“This is the same girl, right? The one you were making out with when you fell asleep?”