I shrug, as if I’m undecided. She stifles a laugh.
Then I lower my head and touch my lips to hers.
It’s an innocent kiss, no tongues involved, meant to tease and show off to anyone watching. For the ruse. For Leia.
But the moment our lips touch, I forget everything else but Aroha.
I’d forgotten how soft her mouth is.
I’m transported right back to the night when I took her to my hotel. I think about how I stripped off her clothing. How I laid her on the bed, kissed over her breasts and down her body, and then sank my tongue into her.
How sweet she tasted.
How, when she came, she cried out my name as she curled her hands into my hair.
I don’t know how long I stand like that, pressing my lips to hers. Ten seconds? Fifteen? I don’t move. I don’t even breathe, and I don’t think she does either.
Leia sighs, and Aroha’s mouth curves up beneath mine.
Finally, I lift my head and look at her.
“Mm,” she says. “Naughty boy. You were very restrained, though.”
I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I thought you might run for the hills if I did anything adventurous. In fact, I’m surprised you stayed put.”
“You looked as if you needed a distraction.” She gives an impish smile. “That should get tongues wagging anyway.”
I glance to the side. My friends are all watching. Several heads whip around, as if they’re embarrassed to be caught. Tyson gives me a thumbs up, though. Next to him, Gaby’s eyes nearly fall out of her head.
Aroha stifles a giggle as she takes Leia from me. Then her expression turns kind. “Good luck. I hope all goes well.”
“I wish you were coming.” I say honestly. “I should have gotten someone else to look after Leia.”
“I’ll be here when you get back.”
I hesitate. Her gentle support is comforting and makes me feel as if I’m not alone. “Would you come and meet my father?”
I realize as the words leave my mouth that it’s a strange request. I went out with Cassie for nine months, and she never met my dad. It’s only now that I understand how aloof I was with her, and how I felt the need to keep her at arm’s length.
But Aroha says, “Of course.”
I hide my surprise and, before she can change her mind, open the sliding doors and walk in.
Alex meets my eyes as I pass, and although he doesn’t say anything, he looks amused. I give him a small smile, then continue through the living room, toward where I can see my father in the foyer with Arabella, talking to Henry, who’s taken it upon himself to be a kind of MC for the day.
“Hey,” I say as we walk up to them.
Dad turns, and I inhale, shocked by his appearance. He’s always been a good-looking guy. He’s tall, like me, and the discipline and control he exhibits in all areas of his life has extended to his health. He has a personal trainer and dietician, he’s teetotal, and he goes to the gym every day. I think that’s why his SCA was so shocking. Doctors said it was probably hereditary, but they still don’t really know why it happened. My guess is that stress was a significant factor. Dad would say it wasn’t, because he does Yoga or some shit, but I’m sure it played a role.
At the time, Dad was angry, I think, that he’d worked so hard to stay fit and healthy, unlike many of his contemporaries, and yet although they smoke and drink, he ended up being rushed to hospital. As a result, he’s been on a weight loss kick. Last time I saw him was in December, and he’d already lost twenty pounds; he must have lost at least another ten since then. He looks gaunt and pale, and much older than he did last time I saw him.
“James,” he says as I stop in front of him. And, before I can react, he puts his arms around me and hugs me.
I sometimes exchange a bearhug with my friends when we haven’t seen each other for a while, or if it’s a celebration like someone’s birthday. But this is different. Dad’s arms clamp around me as if he’s clinging to a life raft. I stand stiffly, my arms by my side, resentment pouring through me, making me immovable as a concrete post.
How dare he look to me for comfort? He’s never hugged me, and I don’t know what to do with this sudden display of affection.
Behind him, Aroha moves into my line of vision and meets my eyes. She gives me a small, tender smile, kisses Leia’s hand, and blows the kiss to me.