She laughs. “You still like him then?”

I think about how to answer. I don’t find him any less attractive than I did on the trivia night. But my feelings for him have… deepened. “I like him a lot. I’m very fond of him, and I want to help him.”

“Okay. So… you’re going to be Mrs. Rutherford?”

“Looks like it. The thing is, he’s apologized for trivializing marriage, and I think he’s aware of the fact that there is something insulting about the way he handled it. He did say sorry. But when it comes down to it, it is a business deal that will benefit us both.”

“I guess. When’s it happening?”

“Next week sometime, I’m not sure.”

“Just… be sure. Marriage changes you.”

“I’m sure it does if you’re really in love.”

“No, I mean… saying the words, exchanging the rings… it changes you. It establishes this connection between you both. It’s like an invisible thread wound around you. You can feel the other person even when you’re apart. And I don’t think it’s going to be any different, even if you mean it to be fake.”

I know all this. But it hasn’t escaped me that James hasn’t given a moment’s thought to it.

And a tiny part of me is very interested to see what’s going to happen.

“I’m prepared for that,” I tell her. “It’s the price I’m going to have to pay for the money, but it’ll be worth it, especially if it helps him get Leia.”

“And him? Is he prepared?”

“Nope.” My lips curve up.

“Oh…” She laughs. “He doesn’t have any idea, does he?”

“Not a clue.”

“You’re a smarter girl than I give you credit for. I’ll get the popcorn. This is going to be a lot of fun.”

“You mustn’t let on that you know,” I warn her.

“I’m zipping my mouth shut as we speak.”


The Range Rover arrives at nine thirty a.m. Leia’s down for a nap, and I clip the receiver to my belt, then go out to meet the guy from the garage, who introduces himself as Dan. The car is beautiful—a dark ‘Eiger’ gray, apparently. Dan runs through the car’s specifications, and I do my best to look as if I drive this sort of vehicle every day. I learn that it’s not just any Range Rover—it’s a top-of-the-range SV. When I see the paperwork, I realize it cost James three hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars.

Holy fuck.

I sign at the bottom, and Dan leaves, saying he’ll Uber back to his office.

I’ve never driven anything that cost more than about five thousand dollars. I glance across at my battered Honda sitting in front of the garage, and hysterical laughter bubbles up inside me.

I open the driver’s door and slide into the seat. The Range Rover is sleek and elegant, all natural wood, blue leather, polished chrome, and white ceramic controls. It has a touch screen, and I’ll be able to Bluetooth my phone to it so I can use Google Maps and Spotify, amongst other apps.

Carefully, so I don’t mark anything, I get out of the car, close the door, and lock it. Then I go indoors.

Leia’s starting to grumble, so I go into her room, change her, make up a bottle, and feed her. I haven’t really gone out with her much since I started looking after her, but I’ve looked after babies before, and I know it’s a challenge. Still, I’m not in any rush. I empty her change bag, then add everything I think I’ll need. I make up a couple of bottles and put them in, then add nappies, muslin cloths, wipes, and a few other bits and pieces I like to have with me. I dress Leia in a pretty dress and clip on her dummy, make sure I have James’s credit card in my purse, and head out, locking the door behind me with the keys he also left me.

I stare at the car for a moment. It would be easier to call an Uber. I’m a little afraid of dinging the car. But I’m also excited to take it for a spin.

I put her stroller in the boot, fasten Leia into the back passenger seat, climb in the front, and start the car. It leaps into life with a throaty purr. My lips curve up. It reminds me of James. Sleek, beautiful, and with a mesmerizing voice.

With a little sigh, I Bluetooth my phone to it, then smile as I start playing some Doja Cat. “Sing along,” I tell Leia, as I put it into Drive and head into town.