I wonder whether I’m being sensible. I don’t think she’s likely to dash off to the nearest jeweler’s and splash it all out on a six-carat diamond ring, but maybe the thought of having so much money will go to her head. Ah, it doesn’t matter. My credit card has a limit of a hundred thousand dollars. Even if she reaches the limit, she can’t go past it.

I realize I’m rambling and end the note.

I’m off to work, see you later. Call me if you need anything at all.

I sign it ‘James’, print it out, and leave it on the counter with the credit card.

Pleased I’ve at least attempted to apologize and put things straight between us, I put the bowl and mug in the dishwasher, clean my teeth, grab my jacket and briefcase, and head to work.

When I arrive at Kia Kaha, it takes me a while to walk through the corridors as I’m stopped regularly by people wanting to offer their condolences. Maddie visited me here many times, and so I’m not surprised that many of the staff seem genuinely upset. By the time I get to the row of offices at the end, I feel as if I’ve done a day’s work.

I stop outside Alex’s office and knock on the glass. He looks up, smiles, and beckons, so I go in.

“Morning,” I say.

“Hey.” He leans back. “I didn’t expect you’d be back until next week.”

I sit in the chair in front of his desk and stretch out my legs. “I wanted to get the presentation sorted with Tyson, and I have a few things to catch up on.”

“How are you doing?”

“Yeah, okay. I saw my lawyer yesterday.” I summarize the first bit of what Ethan told me.

“So he’s hopeful about you getting the Parenting Order?” Alex says at the end.

“Yeah. He says I have a lot of things going for me. And some things against. Like my… ah… reputation, compared to the fact that Blue is recently married.”

Alex frowns.

I hesitate. Then I give a mischievous smile. “So… I have an announcement.”


“You need to keep it under your hat for now.”


“I’ve asked Aroha to marry me.”

He stares at me. He’s a smart guy, and I can see him working out the whys and wherefores behind that decision. He’ll realize the legal implications behind it, and he’ll know it’ll be easier for me to adopt if I’m married. I wait for him to smile and say he understands.

Instead, after a long pause, he says, “You fucking idiot.”

Alex never swears, and my eyebrows rise. “What?”

He looks out of the window, shaking his head. Then, eventually, he looks back at me. “And she said yes?”

“Yeah. I did offer an incentive.”

“Which was…”

I hesitate, for some reason beginning to feel as if I’ve asked her to prostitute herself. “Um… a million dollars.”

He laughs. “Right.”

Anger floods me, and I get to my feet. “Jesus, don’t you start. You didn’t see Blue. He’s married. He and his wife are using hard drugs. He told me he’d take Leia off my hands for half a million dollars up front and a hundred thousand each year.”

He blows out a breath. “Jesus.”