“Well, that’s the only issue. Unfortunately, in New Zealand couples have to be separated for two years before they can divorce. We would have to wait for the Parenting Order and adoption to come through. I’m expecting that to take anything up to six months. After Leia is legally mine, you could then move out, and we would start the process of applying for a divorce. I appreciate it’s a long time to wait, especially if you meet someone else. That’s what the million dollars is for. The inconvenience.”
I clench my teeth to stop my bottom lip trembling. Especially if you meet someone else. This guy has no fucking idea how women’s hearts work.
“And for that six months, would you be bringing other women here?” I ask.
For the first time, he looks embarrassed. “Of course not.”
“Well, it wouldn’t matter, would it, if it’s just a business proposition? If the vows don’t mean anything. If they’re just words.”
“I wouldn’t bring anyone here,” he reiterates.
“Oh of course, you have your apartment in town for your Tinder hookups.”
He looks bemused. He has no idea why I’m upset. “I thought you’d jump at the chance to make some serious money. I thought you enjoyed looking after Leia.”
“I do.” I bite my bottom lip. My spine is so stiff it’s close to snapping. I really liked this guy, but he’s just brought all my hopes and dreams crashing down around my ears.
It’s my own fault, though. Apart from our fling on the trivia night, he hasn’t led me on or implied he’s interested in me. He hasn’t flirted, not really. It’s all been in my head.
He’s a businessman, and he’s doing this for Leia. He’s putting her first. Wasn’t that what I told him to do?
I think of the money. God help me, but I don’t think I can pass up the chance of a million dollars. Not for my family.
I get up and smooth down the fabric of my capri pants. “All right.”
His eyes light up. “You’ll do it?”
“I’ll do it.”
He grins. “Excellent.” He rises, too, and comes to stand before me. “Thank you,” he says sincerely. “I really appreciate you helping me out like this.”
“It’s not every day a girl gets the offer of a million dollars.” I meant it to sound sarcastic, but it just comes out kind of sad. He frowns, so I say quickly, “I presume you’ll tell the others it’s just for show?”
He purses his lips. “Only Alex, I think.” He runs a hand through his hair, looking relieved. “I’m thrilled that Blue won’t get his own way. That fucking wanker thought he could play me. It’s about time he realized who he’s up against.” His smile fades, and his eyes are cold enough to make me shiver. Ooh, he can be ruthless when he wants to be. It reminds me that this is strictly a business proposition. It’s all about Leia. It’s not about me at all.
“Excuse me for a minute,” I whisper.
He opens his mouth to reply, but I’m already walking away.
I go through to my bathroom, lock the door, then sit on the toilet and burst into tears. I hate myself for it, but I can’t stop. I told myself he’d never be interested in me, but a small piece of me hoped that if I stayed for a while, he’d find the attraction I knew was between us was too strong to fight. But he’ll be even more determined to keep me at arm’s length now.
I’m going to have to promise to love him forever, tell my friends and family I’m married, then go through a divorce, and all for money. I feel like a cheap whore who’s sold herself to the highest bidder.
But it’s done. I’ve painted myself into a corner, and there’s nothing I can do about it now. My desire for money is greater than my need to preserve my self-respect.
And I hate myself for it.
Chapter Twenty-Four
When Aroha comes back into the room, I tell her that the funeral is organized for Friday, the twelfth, and it makes sense to organize the wedding for the following week.
“I’ll just get the celebrant to come here,” I say to Aroha. “We’ll tell everyone we couldn’t wait and didn’t want a big do and just wanted to get it done. I’ll ask Alex and Missie to be witnesses. We can tell everyone else afterward.”
She nods, eyes downcast, picks up Leia, and walks away, talking quietly to the baby.
I’m puzzled by her manner. I know her parents were having trouble paying their rent. Now she’s going to be a millionaire! I thought she’d be singing and dancing and, I have to say, showing a little gratitude. It’s an easy way to make a million dollars. Say a few words, sign a bit of paper, wear a ring for six months or so, and then you’re free! What’s not to like?