A loud crash makes me flinch, my pulse rocketing. Just falling debris settling in the aftermath, nothing more. But each noise sets my nerves on edge. The warehouse feels like a tomb, the eerie silence enveloping me.

I strain my ears for any sign of Jasmine's approach, but hear only the frantic thudding of my own heart.

Come on, where is she? The minutes drag like hours as I agonize over whether to abandon our hiding spot to search for her. But I force myself to wait, crouched in agony behind these damned crates.

What if she returns and finds me gone? What if she returns injured? I should stay here, wait for her.

She knew the risks. I have to trust her skills, as much as my gut twists with dread.

Jasmine, please be safe. She has to make it back, she just has to. I bury my head in my hands, raw fear constricting my chest. I can't lose her, not when we've come so far. Not when we're so close to exposing my father's rotten empire of violence and lies. Without Jasmine, none of this means anything. I need her by my side.

I made a mistake not trusting her. I made a mistake fighting with her. What if she's in there, stuck under a beam or something?

No. No.

The shadows seem to press closer as the night holds its breath. Everything depends on the next few minutes. Our futures, our lives, it all hangs in the balance. Come on, Jasmine, where are you?

I'll give her five more minutes before I abandon this hiding spot to find her. Please, let her emerge unscathed. Let this have not been in vain...

I take a deep breath to steady my nerves, straining to hear any sign of Jasmine over the pounding of my heart. I debate whether to go look for her. But no, I have to trust her skills.

She told me to wait here, said it was too dangerous for both of us. As much as it kills me, I need to give her a bit more time.

Five more minutes, I decide. If she's not back by then, I'll go after her, no matter the risk. I check my watch, the seconds ticking by impossibly slow. Hang in there Jasmine, please be safe.

You have to make it back, you just have to. I don't know how I'll go on without you. Five more minutes, that's all I can give. Just five more minutes...

The minutes pass by and she still doesn’t return. It’s time for me to go in. I inch up higher on my knees and survey the scene to check that none of Frank’s men are around. They’re not.

I’m about to crawl out into the open and run towards the warehouse when I see a figure jump across the debris from the warehouse blocking the right alley next to the warehouse. With a gasp, I sneak back behind the crates and peer out slowly.

Suddenly, I hear shuffling footsteps approaching. I freeze, hardly daring to breathe. A figure stumbles out of the shadows and my heart leaps - it's Jasmine! I watch as she stumbles forward, her backpack heavy on her back. She got the evidence.

My entire body is on fire, excited and relieved beyond imagination at seeing her back. Safe. She almost trips while trying to walk over and I realize, she might be injured.

I look around. There's no one here, so far. With a deep breath, I jump on my feet and run over as she collapses into my arms, battered and exhausted but miraculously alive.

"You made it! Thank God, I was so worried," I blurt out, holding her as tight as I can given her injuries, afraid to let go. She looks up at me with a weary smile.

"I told you I could do it," she says, her voice hoarse but strong. She points at her backpack to reveal the evidence that could take down my father's empire.

Relief washes over me. We actually have a chance now, despite the danger ahead. I gaze at this incredible woman who risked everything for our future, and I'm overwhelmed with love and admiration. Before I can stop myself, I pull her close and kiss her deeply, pouring all my emotions into it.

I pull apart and take the backpack from her. Once she's comfortable, I lift her up and support her weight against my chest and carry her back to our hiding spot. Once safe, I help her sit against the crates.

I stroke her hair, my heart swelling with admiration and love for this incredible woman. "You were amazing. I don't know how you managed it."

She looks up at me, her eyes shining. "We have a real chance now, Dario. We can take your father down, make him pay for everything he's done. And if you trust me, perhaps we could start again from the very beginning. No more secrets, no more lies."

I know she's right. With the evidence she retrieved, we can finally put an end to my father's reign of terror. And maybe, just maybe, Jasmine and I can have a future together when this is all over.

I cup her face in my hands. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Jasmine. You're the strongest, bravest person I've ever met. A fresh page is all we need. I can't tell you just how scared I was when you were in there, all alone. When I thought you wouldn't come back, I couldn't imagine what my life would look like."

She smiles softly. "I feel the same about you. When I thought you were done with me, that we were over –”

“I was a fool,” I bend lower, and take her lips in mine. I give her a gentle kiss before pulling back. “This is all so new to me, Jasmine. I’ve never been in love before, but I know now that I trust you irrevocably. You had your reasons to hide the truth from me. Perhaps sometimes, in a relationship, secrets must be respected too. I am sorry.”

“Hush,” she whispers, a small tear falling down her eye. She shakes her head ferociously she inches closer and puts a finger to my lips. “I’m sorry too. We were both right, and both wrong, in our ways. We’ll figure it out. Together.”