The coast seems clear. The moonlight spills through the scattered clouds, casting an ethereal glow over the grounds. I can feel the weight of Dario's gun in my palm, a heavy reminder of the dangerous path that lies ahead.

With a last lingering glance at Dario, I push myself up from the rough concrete and cautiously step out from behind the crates. Every fiber of my being is alert, senses attuned to any signs of danger.

As I make my way toward the entrance of the warehouse, my footsteps are muffled by layers of fallen leaves and discarded debris. But just as I reach the corner of the building, a group of men turns into view.

Panic floods through me like a rushing tide, and instinctively, I flatten myself against the wall, my heart pounding in my chest. The men, move with precision and purpose. They don't seem like the type to engage in small talk or idle chatter.

I strain my ears, trying to catch fragments of their conversation. Their words are masked by the night's gentle breeze, but I manage to make out a few phrases. "Secure the perimeter," one of them says, his voice low and commanding. "No one gets in or out."

As they fan out, I realize that time is running out. If they reach the entrance before I do, whatever lies inside the warehouse will be lost to me forever. Gathering my courage, I slip deeper into the shadows, becoming one with the night. The men walk by and when they do, it's time for me to focus again.

I methodically check my weapons and gear, securing my knife in my boot and pistol at my hip. I visualize the building's layout from the note the ghost sent, tracing the hidden side entrance through my mind. My senses are heightened, my body coiled and ready.

I slip through the shadows towards my target, my steps silent and sure. I reach the side door and pick the lock swiftly. The door swings open without a sound.

It's pitch black inside but I don't dare use my flashlight. I creep forward, one hand trailing the cold cement wall. My ears strain for any noise. I pause, listening. There's a scuffing sound up ahead. I freeze, heart pounding. After an agonizing moment, I hear it again. Rats. I let out a slow breath and keep moving.

I'm getting close now. Adrenaline courses through me. I can almost taste success. That's when the first explosion hits. The ground heaves beneath me as a fireball mushrooms through the hallway.

Debris rains down as I dive for cover. I have no idea what's going on. Perhaps there was an electrical malfunction, or maybe Frank and his men know I'm in here. Now things get interesting.

With my ears ringing, I scramble to my feet. The element of surprise is gone but I can still complete my mission. I sprint down the hallway, dodging fallen beams and clouds of dust. My lungs burn but I don't slow.

Up ahead, I spot the office door, hanging crookedly from its hinges. I slip inside, gun drawn. The room is in shambles, papers and furniture strewn everywhere. But the safe in the corner is still intact.

I remember the ghost's message. If there's a secret to be unlocked ... I rush over and begin working the combination. Midnight of June 12th. I try 120612 and it works like magic.

Come on, come on! The tumblers click into place and the door swings open. Grazie, grazie, grazie - I mutter out loud to the ghost. Jackpot. Files, ledgers, photographs - everything we need to take down Dario's father.

Frank must have been collecting this. I grab the most damning evidence and shove it into my pack. What little doesn't fit, I pull into my hand.

Another explosion rocks the building and I'm thrown off my feet. Flames lick at the doorway as the ceiling starts to collapse. No time to be careful now. I toss the rest of the contents into my bag and bolt for the exit.

The air is hazy with smoke and plaster. I pull my shirt over my mouth and nose. Have to get out of here. I round a corner and run straight into one of Frank's men. No time to think. I sweep his legs out from under him and keep running. Almost there.

The exit comes into view up ahead.

Freedom. I pour every ounce of energy into my legs. With a final burst, I erupt through the doorway and into the cold night air. I did it. I actually did it. Now to find Dario.

I stumble away from the burning ruins of the warehouse, gulping fresh air into my smoke-filled lungs. I'm worried by the sound of Frank's men shouting in the distance as I slip into the shadows of a nearby alley.

Gotta keep moving. Can't let them find me. Not when I'm so close. The bag with the evidence bounces heavily against my back - the key to taking down Dario's father and proving my loyalty.

I stick to the dark backstreets, winding my way through the maze of buildings. Almost there. Just a few more blocks to the rendezvous point.

My muscles scream in protest but I force myself to keep running.

Chapter 38

The Price of Love


My heart hammers against my ribs as I crouch in the shadows behind the stack of splintered crates. The devastated warehouse creaks and groans right in front of me. That blast - it came out of nowhere.

My heart is still pounding, hands still shaking. Shattered glass carpets the concrete floor outside, glinting like jagged teeth in the moonlight. Acrid smoke still hangs in the air, stinging my eyes and searing my throat with each panicked breath.

Where is she? Jasmine should have been back by now. I clench my fists, cursing myself for letting her take such a risk. I never should have allowed her to slip away into that warehouse alone. Not with Frank's men swarming the area. If anything happens to her, I'll never forgive myself.