The answer comes to me with startling clarity: no, it isn't fair. Not to Jasmine, and not to myself. If I want to break free from this cycle of suspicion and deceit, I need to start by trusting the one person who has never given me a reason not to.

"Jasmine," I say, my voice soft but resolute. "I've changed my mind. We're not going through with the test."

"Wait, what? Why?" She looks at me, her eyes wide with surprise.

“Just hours ago, I told you I wanted to spend my life with you. I told my father and all his men I love you. I don’t believe one treats the woman they love in the manner I’ve treated you. You made a mistake, a huge one. Chances are, in life, so would I. But if I force you to prove yourself to me, then at some point in our relationship, our foundation would be tainted by a lack of trust amongst one another.”

“Dario,” she whispers. “I need to do this for me. For ages, I’ve been chasing a way to close this case so you and I can be free at last, to live our lives without looking over our shoulders. I will make or break your father for us. Not for you, not because I need to prove anything. But because it’s the right thing to do. So you’re free to stay, or leave, but I’m going to find what the ghost said we might find here tonight. Now, you in or you out?”

I smile, the camaraderie between us resurfacing by just a layer. I realize it’s easier to be mad at Jasmine yet still be civil than not speak with her at all. Truth is, I can’t imagine life without her anymore.

“I’m in,” I whisper.


As we move deeper into enemy territory, the shadows seem to close in around us, and the eerie silence is only punctuated by the distant echo of footsteps. Suddenly, we hear muffled voices coming from around a corner. I press my back against the cold concrete wall, pulling Jasmine with me, as we strain to listen.

"Frank's men are gathering tonight," one voice says. "He wants everyone here – something big is going down."

"Damn," I curse silently, realizing that we've stumbled upon an unofficial stronghold of Frank Bonanno's men. The risk of being discovered has just skyrocketed, and I feel my heart pounding harder against my chest.

"Stay low," I instruct Jasmine, my voice barely more than a whisper. "We need to find cover before they spot us."

Frantically, we scan our surroundings for somewhere to hide, finally spotting a large stack of wooden crates nearby. We dart behind them, our hearts racing in unison as we crouch down, concealed from view.

From this vantage point, we watch as more men file into the warehouse, their murmured conversations growing louder as their numbers increase.

"Maybe we should leave," I suggest quietly, the weight of responsibility for Jasmine's safety bearing down on me like a crushing wave. "This might be too dangerous."

Jasmine shakes her head defiantly, her eyes blazing with determination. "No, we can't give up now," she insists. "We're in this together, remember? I trust you to get us both out of here safely."

"Alright," I whisper, our breaths mingling in the cold air. "Let's see this through to the end, no matter what it takes."

“Good, now you stay here. And I’m going to go in.”

“No, Jasmine,” I strain to speak clearly. “You’re not going in alone.”

“I certainly am or the victory won’t be mine alone, will it? Me finding the answers was a part of your test, wasn’t it? Just so you know, Dario Marchetti. I’ve never cheated or failed a test before,” she grins at me. “And I don’t plan to start tonight.”

Chapter 37

Heavy Hangs the Truth


I watch Dario from the corner of my eye, his broad shoulders leaning towards me, subconsciously wanting to protect me as we hide behind the large crates. My hand instinctively goes to my stomach.

I haven't told him about the baby yet. I know he'll be thrilled, but the timing isn't right. This mission is too important, the stakes too high. I can't afford any distractions.

"Perhaps the ghost wanted us to just find this location and store it away for further use someday for when Frank causes trouble," Dario mentions. "Maybe we should turn back."

"You and I both know that's not why the ghost sent us here," I correct him. "Whatever we have to find, will be in that warehouse." I know what Dario is trying to do. He's regretting ever asking me to prove something to him, and now, he fears for my safety.

"Let me come with you," he murmurs.

"No," I insist. "You have to stay out here. If there's any sign of trouble, you can call for backup, can't you?"

"Fine," he whispers and then reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a gun. "Take this." He also hands me some extra bullets.